by Patrice M Foster | May 14, 2015 | depression |
Teens Overcome teenage depression won’t be easy but it can be done. You spend just about every day wondering why you feel so much, or why you feel so empty and you’ll do just about anything to just find peace. There is hope. All that energy you have now that...
by Patrice M Foster | May 12, 2015 | teenage depression |
Teenage Depression – Relieve Stress Therapy activities through exersise can help your child mood. The idea of overcoming teenage depression by simply changing your daily patterns is an awesome thought. The truth of the matter though is that depression is something far...
by Patrice M Foster | May 9, 2015 | nursing posts |
Feeling Numb can Feel alive That feeling of numbness is incredibly sneaky. It creeps up without you noticing. All the while you feel too much and before you know it, the “numb” sets in. It doesn’t have to stay that way though. Here are a few sure-fire ways to help you...
by Patrice M Foster | May 8, 2015 | depression |
Teenagers Advice Parents: First to find out the reason for depression in your teen. As a teenager, couldn’t keep up with the pain; it numbed me to the core. Day in and day out no one could ever understand what I was going through. My Clinical depression started...
by Patrice M Foster | May 6, 2015 | nursing posts |
Viewpoint Change First If you’re reading this, you must have wondered about how people perceive you. At least once or twice in your life. We all wonder about this and everyone has to re-invent themselves as they grow. Characteristics a vital elements to your wardrobe....
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