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Believe Your Pep Talk: Change Your Outlook

Believe at this point in your life, you have come a long way and have done some wonderful things. But from here on, there is still a long journey ahead of you.ย Accept yourself and follow your dreams. The future awaits you. Let nothing and no one talk you out of yourย life goals.ย If anyone tells you that you cannot, then by all means go ahead andย give yourself a pep talk.ย Paint your best picture, write your best novel, play like it is your last in that match, and silence that negative voice. โ€œThe only person who can pull me down is myself, and Iโ€™m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.โ€ ย โ€”C. JoyBell C.


Change your Outlook

Ignore Negative Talk

In this journey they call life, you will encounter many setbacks and people who will try to hold you back.ย Donโ€™t let anger and fearย stay locked up inside; it will choke you. Instead, talk to someone. Explore the frontier. Do your homework, read motivational books, and play games. Never outgrow what makes you happy and learn to develop your sense of humor.


Positive Self Talk Can Help

โ€Be strong stay committed donโ€™t let anyone tell you differentโ€

You may encounter your biggest challenge in college or the military. Embrace your challenge like a field and track event and you may find success. You will, from time to time, encounter failure and loss. Donโ€™t let that stop you if you want to live theย good life.ย 

Tony Little

Use favorite catch phrases such as โ€œYou can do it,โ€ โ€œItโ€™s technique!โ€, โ€œAlwaysย believeย inย yourself,โ€ and โ€œNo refunds if itโ€™s been opened, only store credit!โ€

In Time You Can Change Your Outlook

Donโ€™t for one moment allow negative thinking to define your future. The future is bright if you choose to believe in the beauty of your dreams. The greatness that lies within you will be tested by the sting of challenges and defeat. Your successย means going from one failure to another episode of failure without losing your enthusiasm and your inner resolve. Learn to be resourceful, learn from your mistakes, and never give up.

ย Tell Yourself Your Outlook is Bright

Remember, you are the best. Negative thoughts may come and go, but have hope: things will get better. Negative people will drain your energy. Change your mindset and remember, itโ€™s their issues not your problem. Move on.

Stay focused on yourย goalsย and set your sights on what lies ahead of you.ย Remain disciplined and single minded about what your heart wants. Take risks and if you fail, there is a lesson: just keep trying.ย Either way, remember that the same principles apply throughout life.ย The decisions you make now will determine the path your life will take.