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Changes may help. Change your existence as heard in  popular song by  Girl Group Little Mix back in 2013 ….. Say scare of things in life that they might put you through change …want to hide your inner you so true.   It’s very clear that both positive and negative changes do affect us directly, indirectly and even from a distance. So the short answer to this question is a resounding yes, your thinking may help with despair.

Changes in thinking may help with your Depression


If it is positive. It can  help to alter the patterns.“If you do not create change, change will create you.” ~Unknown. But often the question is not whether variety  can help or not, it’s what changes should be made and how to go about making them. These kinds of abstract questions can drive you mad as a teen – let’s be honest. It’s the last thing you want to think about when you already have so much stress in your life.

Changes to  your thoughts may help with depression

It would be easy to say change it all. Throw out the bad stuff, keep the good bits and fix the stuff you’re not sure you want to throw out yet. But is it really necessary to change everything. Just like an outfit, a few accessories here, a hat and the right shoes there and you can completely change the look to suit what you’re going for. But depression isn’t like changing an outfit is it? I get that. That’s why you need to sit down and take stock of your life, decide for yourself what’s worth keeping, requires attention and demands change immediately.

Changes in thinking

Change your thinking may help with depression

Help you decide whether your ready for the kind of change that can help you win the fight over your depression.

Changes in thinking

  • Would you be willing to replace your isolation with the social company of good friends and family?
  • Would you be willing to try alternative methods that do not only rely on medication to help you feel better?
  • Do you think you could benefit emotionally from new experiences? For example; the majestic beauty, splendor and peace of the outdoors?
  • What sacrifices are you willing to make in order to get your results? In this case, sacrifices mean being willing to admit and be honest with yourself in order to move on from your negative feelings.
  • Could you be more open? (Even if it’s just to yourself).
  • Could you be more honest?
  • Could you be more loving
  • Would you be willing to be your own campaign leader? This means reminding yourself when you’re not doing things that will be good for you or applauding yourself when you are doing great things.
Changes can be hard at first 

Change requires courage, sacrifice and the willingness to break free from your comfort zones. But it’s not all work, sometimes change comes naturally when we accept who we are, and where we find ourselves in life. It’s only then that you’ll be able to make the changes that you really need.

Changing the patterns of depression starts with a few small steps that together pack a punch. If you’re committed to making those changes, you’ll soon find that you’ll be successful. Whatever your change might be, if it results in personal growth, developmental progress, and overall happiness, then you’re on the right track.