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love sick Lovers

Lovesick and depression: are connected in more ways than one. For one thing, there are quite a few people who don’t truly think that they exist. In 1979, Dr. Dorothy Tennov coined the term “limerence”. Also called “infatuated love”, limerence is intense romantic attraction for another person. Often to the point of obsession and compulsiveness.

Love sick.


Love sick

It comes with a desire for the object of that attraction. To have romantic feelings towards you, too. When many people think of lovesickness. What they think of is limerence in which the romantic feelings are not reciprocated.

As you can imagine, young people are especially at risk for this. They are only just starting to make sense. Of their romantic identities, feelings, and learning how to express them in good and healthy ways.

love sick

It is impossible that every person that we develop feelings for will respond the same way. Adults usually know that, and, if we’re emotionally mature, we learn to handle it. However, your child may not have arrived at that stage  as yet. And might descend into an unhealthy emotional state.

Love sick

Love sick, does have warning signs that can be identified:

  • Mood swings: Feelings of hopelessness. Not having this person’s affections. Become so strong that the lovesick person thinks there’s no point in living.
  • Isolation: Nothing interests the lovesick person much anymore; not friends, not even fun activities, nothing.
  • Changes in appetite and/or sleep pattern: Loss of appetite or overeating. Can become coping mechanisms for the lovesick. Sometimes, they also have trouble sleeping, and are tired all the time.
  • Lack of focus: It becomes hard to focus on things that used to be easy. They are easily distracted.
  • Obsessive behavior: Constantly checking their phones or social media to see if the object of affection has contacted them; overanalyzing seemingly trivial things that that special someone does; hoarding things like a strand of hair or a ticket stub… anything that reminds them of that person.
Love sick

If you are familiar with clinical depression, you might have noticed that many of the above are also symptoms of depression. So, it should come as no surprise .

Love sick

Love sick ways.

In order to keep your children mentally healthy. It is important that you keep an eye on their behavior. Identifying depression can be hard, though, especially when in the teen years. When your young one is not so keen on opening up about what they are thinking and feeling.

You maybe worried about your child’s mental wellbeing. This is good idea to get them professional help. Even if they are unwilling to talk to you about what they are feeling. They might be willing to share with a professional. The earlier treatment begins, the sooner your child can get back to activites with peers.

