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Always fight live don’t let sadness sorrow get

You should always fight to live don’t let sadness and sorrow get you down. Taking  one step forward can be agony for anyone living with depression . Every time you make progress, it may feel like there is something holding you back, unhappiness that something that just refuses you your happiness.   Always fight to  live  “When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”  Kahlil Gibran. This can so quickly become more than a refusal of happiness, before you know it you watch your life seep away from you and you wonder where is it going? Why is my joy leaving me? 

Always fight live don't let sadness sorrow get you down

The ancient Greeks believed that the worst thing they let out of Pandora’s Box was hope. Hope gave them reason to continue living, despite the troubles they were now facing after opening that box. Hope gave them something to hold onto, something to look forward to, something to live for. That’s why they felt it was the worst thing, without it; maybe they wouldn’t have felt the pain.

Always fight live don’t let sadness sorrow get you down

What’s so striking about the ancient Greek mythology is that we see, really, there would be no growth without the hard things. Life’s paradoxes and ironies are funny that way. It seems sometimes that weathering the storm is just about the only way to get through it. But I do want to tell you, that while it may not be the greatest feeling, you will get through it, and you can be a changed person. Your teenage years are amazing, even when they’re not. They’re filled with new things, changes, excitement, exhilarating exploration. They’re a gift to you. They should be your gift to you.

Always fight live don't let sadness sorrow get you down

  • Here are a few quick thoughts on how to keep going, even when everything else drags you down.

Think of how well developed and strong you will be when it’s all over
This is not just a cliché. It’s the rock-solid truth. Your strength is built on part sadness and part compassion. From the moment we open our eyes, we are given the burden to feel. Or the blessing, whichever way you see it. It doesn’t mean that you won’t feel what you feel. What it means is that if you put it into perspective, you can use what you feel to be a stronger, better and wonderful human being.

Always fight live don’t let sadness sorrow get you down

Community responds to mothers’ grief

“In her grief, sadness, and sorrow, I thought it was our responsibility to encourage her,” Borders said. “And then do whatever we can to offer spiritual and emotional support for a family that’s going through a different side of the trauma.” Morning
  • Think of all the good you can do, because of all the bad you’ve experienced

No one should have to experience anything that’s not good for them. No one; but life is not really wired that way, yet. I’m sure as a society we will get there someday, but for now, we carry our emotions like champions. If you consider what good you can achieve because you’ve experienced more than someone else, it will help you to be more driven to make a change in someone’s life, thereby making a change in your own.

Always fight live don’t let sadness sorrow get

Imagine someone comes to you for help, now you can help that person because you understand pain and what you have gain through personal ordeal and survive. Have you ever started a deep or personal conversation with someone who just doesn’t understand you? It left you feeling a little empty I’m sure. That’s not the fault of anyone, but it’s likely that the person cannot relate to your pain. You have the immense and amazing ability to relate to other teenagers who are going through what they’re going through, be it depression, anxiety or any other physical or emotional problems. Pain is universal. We are universal. alwayswellwithin.com

Aways fight to live

It may not be a proverb, but just mull over the next sentence for a while. Carry it with you whenever you feel a little lost. The lost traveler will find many amazing and undiscovered secrets while looking for a way out of the jungle. Remember that life is not just a destination to reach; it’s a journey that you get to take with many different people, and have many different experiences. Some of which you won’t like, but you can rise up out of the ashes of your heart. This is  truth.