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 Parents continue to Ignore Signs.

Why do parents ignore signs of Teenage depression in their  children. How to talk about it with your child? You see the telltale signs. Your gut tells you something isn’t right. That your child may have fallen into a depression. But instead of checking it out, you choose to let it slide.  For one, accepting the idea that what you thought was just a mild case of the blues in your child. Might actually be something far worse isn’t easy.


No not my child this time.

Teenage depression can trigger a host of negative feelings for parents. Something in you screams, No, not my child. So, confronted with the possibility a son or daughter might be depressed, parents choose to enter a state of denial. Your child may be undergoing a serious personality change, but you still want to picture him or her as that happy little kid running around on the playground in your imagination. Some parents blame themselves, questioning their parenting skills and past decisions… Is it my fault? What do I need to do differently? Am I a bad parent?

Will Parents continue to Ignore Signs of Depression in their child

Secondly, your possibly depressed son or daughter may not really want to talk to you about it. Depression and feelings of sadness can be difficult topics at any age, but for teens especially, talking about their feelings with a parent can be like going to the dentist to get a tooth pulled.

 Parents don’t be blindsided thinking you can go through this alone.

 Parents Ignore Signs Teenage Depression

“Your kids require you most of all to love them for who they are, not to spend your whole time trying to correct them.”

― Bill Ayers


Parents Ignore Signs Teenage Depression

Try not to be too hard on yourself. You’re not to blame. Being a teenager, or parenting one, is not an easy job. You probably remember what it was like for you in high school and growing up. Remember the emotional and physical roller-coaster of changes you underwent. High school tends to be a stressful time for teens. You don’t always know why you’re feeling what you’re feeling, or even how to talk about it to your peers, let alone a parent.

Do you know the signs of Depression?

 Parents Ignore Signs Teenage Depression

Parents Ignore Signs of Depression

5 Ways to Encourage Your Teen To Tell You What’s Going On

Ignoring the symptoms of depression in a child is a big mistake for parents. Better to do something than nothing at all. Recovery from depression can be slow, once a person has fallen into it. So as a parent, you’ve got to confront your fears and talk to your child. It’s your job to find out what’s going on. But before you do, stop and think about how you’re going to approach the conversation. Below are five suggestions to help you get your child talking today.

#1 Respect your teenager’s feelings!

Being soft, warm, and accepting is the best way to get your teen to open-up about his or her feelings. Show him or her the space is totally safe to share anything, without fear of rejection or criticism from you.

Don’t overlook or ignore your youth.

#2 Keep your judgments in the closet (or outside the room).

You may feel anxious or concerned about what your teen has to say. But do your best to remain calm and supportive throughout. The more receptive you are, the more your child will communicate. This will also ease any potential tensions between you. Also resist the urge to jump-in and fill the quiet moments with chatter. This is your child’s moment, so allow him or her to do most of the talking and the feelings will flow.


#3 Pay attention.

Depression is a serious condition that can have grave consequences. Sufferers feel worthless and unhappy. And it’s not something they are doing on purpose. Listen for hints. Is the child struggling in school due to poor grades or sleeplessness?

Remain positive for your child.

Parents Ignore Signs Teenage Depression

#4 Remain hopeful.

Sometimes it can feel as though things will never get better, But with the right supports. Family, friends, and professionals things will eventually improve. Be patient, give the situation time to work out. And get help from your family doctor or therapist. With the right help and support, your youth has every chance of a full recovery.

Be patient. Your child has rights but not to be ignored

#5 Love.

More than anything, depressed teenagers need a parent’s love, support, and understanding. Provide it unconditionally. Even if your children should try to push you away, don’t stop loving or believing in them.


Talking with (not at) your teen builds trust. Making him or her feel comfortable enough to approach you with anything is a good strategy. You’ll be able to spot issues before they become problems. And if you suspect your child might be suffering from depression. Do reach out for help as early as possible. Teen depression is a serious condition. This is your son or daughter we are talking about.