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Teenagers Just do it!

Best Life Live It Teenage Depression Today. Every year, around this time, grown-ups start looking at their short- and long- goals. They look back on the year past and weigh their successes and failures. While this routine is important, this year, I want to try something different: to encourage teens to just LIVE…Start here with this free quote to recite: ”Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ―George Bernard Shaw

 Best Life

For the moment, think less about what you want tomorrow that will make your existence awesome in a year’s time. Don’t think about what you still want to do, what you still need to prioritize, or which projects you still have to finish, all for the sake of being happy. Just live in this moment, right here, right now.

Live One Successful Moment at a Time

I’m not going to lie; inspiring thoughts take a lot of practice. If you are like me, you may think you’ll feel happy once you achieve your dreams. You tick off every item on your wish list hoping you will make your world perfect. You think then—and only then—will you be successful. The truth is you’re already a winner. You’re a living, breathing, raging storm of a star. You just need to own it. The greatest benefit of living in the moment is realizing who you really are. It’s only when you stop looking forward that you get the clarity of what you need in life…and what your true desires are for your future. I’m not saying DON’T plan for the future. I’m saying, take a moment to enjoy the experience of life and get to know you in the process.

 Best Life

Let your attitude strengthen the positive and reject the negative. It’s easier said than done but it’s not impossible. At the end of it all, you’ll be stronger and more resilient with a ton of experience behind you.

3 Quick Inspirational Messages

 Best Life

  1. Just Be Still, Eyes Closed, Relax

Put your phone down and put the laptop away. Turn the television off and just sit for a moment. Think what you would do if you had none of that to keep you busy. It might seem like a silly exercise and it could take you a while to figure out what it is, but when you know, go and do it.

2. Try 100% Best Life

 We’re so used to splitting our time between everything we need to do. Try to be present. When you take on a task, don’t multitask. The more you exercise this, the easier it will get. You might even be surprised at the smaller things you’ve been missing out on because you’ve been so busy with unnecessary things.

 3. Motivational Words for the Soul

Remind yourself where you are and walk yourself through the experience. This might not always be a pleasant thing to do, especially if you’re negative right now. You’ll learn so much from taking note of your feelings and how you respond to your Clinical Depression. Just remember that memories are made in the moment. So if you want a future that holds amazing memories of the past, learn to let go of your tomorrow. How can you live your best life? Comment below!