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Clinical Depression symptoms in teenagers affects 1 out of 5 teenagers — is yours one of them?

Clinical Depression symptoms in teenagers

Clinical Depression symptoms in teenagers  9% of teens struggle and had at least one major depressive episode in the past year. And 15% felt depressed at any given time. 20% of all teenagers will then report thoughts of depression with feeling of Suicide. Teenage depression continues to go unnoticed.  Many cases go undiagnosed.

Clinical Depression symptoms in teenagers

Do you know how to identify the signs and symptoms of teen clinical depression?

Clinical Depression symptoms in teenagers

The onset of depression is in the early teen and adolescent years. In some cases as early as 14 years of age. Teenage depression is a serious mental health illness. That can often lead to other illness. Including substance abuse, self-harm and suicide.

Educate yourself!

Each year, hundreds of teens suffer in silence. Educate yourself about the causes, signs, symptoms and facts. Surrounding this “silent killer” called Depression. Be prepared to seek help for your adolescent. The support they need. So they can find their way out of despair.

Clinical Depression:

Clinical depressed kids Unlike adult  symptoms are different. Your youth tends to struggling with staying awoke in school which affect school.Teens who are depressed is often not diagnosed or not taken serious. Often Parent think it’s a phase and ignore the behavior. That their child is going through. Not seeking helping due to cultural biases and myths. Cry for help only to be turned away by their parents, teachers and friends. Who believe their symptoms are nothing but teenage moodiness. By educating yourself about Clinical Depression symptoms in teenagers  you can help.  Your teen find their way out of it. But you can assist others.  Children suffering around the world not know.
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