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Confined Isolation to be blamed for teen anxiety and depression. We have had to make huge changes to our lives. Schools have closed their doors and moved online. Public places where teens could meet and have fun together are either partially or completely unavailable. Unfortunately, though, the pandemic is causing losses in more indirect ways. How can you identify the signs and prevent this from happening to your teen?

confined Isolation


Confined Isolation

The sad truth is a number of teenagers struggles with recur thoughts suicides attributed confinement. There are articles and Facebook posts going around that tell the stories of teens who could not deal with the current circumstances and seek another way out. Distressing as this may seem, it is anecdotal for now. But we can’t wait a couple years for the official teen depression monitoring system to make its report. We have to act now. 

Confined Isolation

Lack of socialization is hard for us. Humans are a social species. We depend on society, not only for essential services like food production and medical services, but also for simple social reaction. Being trapped inside, unable to see friends and extended family, can have an adverse effect on your child.  Especially the youth who may be struggling mental illness.

confined Isolation

Even if you usually have a healthy relationship with them, being at home with your family all day every day can take its toll. As a matter of fact, with tempers flaring and personalities clashing. It’s easy to see how this situation leads to worsening depression and anxiety.

Home confined Isolation

At this time, it is important to keep an eye on your children and teens for any sign that something is wrong. Just as you would check if they have a fever or injury, watch out for the signs of anxiety and depression. Changes in behavior like, restlessness or trouble sleeping could be a sign that something is seriously wrong. The good news is, though, there are ways to combat troubling issues. Encourage your teen to keep in touch with their friends and family.

Confined Limits

You may disagree, parents texting is good. Allow them to feel close to their friends. However, a phone or video call mimics in-person interaction. Let the teen feels more connected to the outside. And can help reduce the effect of feeling confined or isolation at home.It’s also a good idea to allow them to stretch their legs a bit. Being cooped up inside can feel like being in prison. Discuss wearing masks and sanitize hands while away from home.A little walk or bike ride around neighborhood can be a big help.Give them their space. Just like you need yours. Trust that they will make the right choices. 

What should you do if you suspect that your child or teen is struggling with anxiety or depression, though? The good news is that there is an increasing number of services that are turning to online and other means provide mental health care while still practicing social distancing. Look around to find one that is suitable for your teen and your circumstances.