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Pretending your child is going through a teenage moody phase. Unfortunately, It’s not reality. Parents want the best for their children. They want them to be happy and healthy, and don’t want them to suffer. For this reason, far too many parents overlook the signs and symptoms of depression. As a matter of fact, Fear makes them slow to admit that something is wrong. Which does nothing but delay the help their child needs.

stop pretending

Look, no pretending

Blinding yourself to the truth of your child’s depression isn’t that hard. “It’s just a phase.” “It’s nothing but an adolescent tantrum.” “When I was a kid, we dealt with our problems ourselves.” “They’re just going through a rebellious streak.” “My kid? Going to a shrink? That’s for crazy people!” However, depression isn’t a phase. It isn’t just a period of sadness.

Pretending your child not depressed

It’s a life-changing condition that  must be addressed. Watch out for the following symptoms:
• Changes in diet.
• Sleep pattern: not sleeping enough.
• Sad or irritable days turn into weeks.
• Social behavior, such as increased isolation
• Hopelessness
• Preoccupation thoughts just can’t stop.



Important for you to know, If your child or teen are currently exhibiting some of these symptoms, then it is possible they need to be evaluated. Depression is not simply sadness that is more than likely disappear as your child get older. Major depressive disorder is an imbalance that leads to behavioral and emotional changes.

Danger: Pretending

Therefore, Instead of ignoring the above symptoms, address them immediately. As a result, this reduces stressful situations as much as possible. In other word, talk to your child about their social life (bullying, romantic and platonic relationships, school). Your child might not be willing to open up to you immediately. Or to the extent you want, but you should always present openness to them.

Not going to Pretend

Equally important to know while a strong and healthy support system is important for anyone. Especially someone with depression. it is just as important to remember that you are not enough. Depression is a mental health issue. If you suspect your child has depression, find a licensed mental health professional to diagnose your child and provide the help they may need.


The therapist will work with your child to lead them on the path towards better mental health. Some people will benefit from antidepressants. Additionally, the psychiatrist may prescript these medications for your teen.


Important to realize, Sometimes, making the right decisions for the people we love is hard. It may require changing deep-seated mindsets or accepting that we’re wrong. Being wrong does not make you a bad person. But it is important that we challenge our thoughts daily.

On the positive side, this is part of what makes parenting such a privilege and joy, isn’t it? It challenges us to be better, not just for ourselves, but for our children, too. Yes, depression can take a toll on the loved ones of the sufferer as well as the sufferer themselves, but together, we can fight it. And win the struggle together.