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Judge good parenting? People define good parenting differently. Everyone’s standards are not the same. But, there are some things good parents always do. A good parent must understand they are not their child’s friend and, If you do not hear “I don’t like you” from your child at least a few times, something is wrong with this in mind, you’re responsible for teaching your child right from wrong. Put rules in place and stick to them.  Let your child grow. You can still set limits. This gives youth in your household a sense of well-being and control.

Judge Good Parenting?

Judge Good Parenting?

How to Practice Good Parenting

Learning good parenting skills is critical:

  • You can never be too loving. Doling out plenty of love to your children is important.
  • Teach your children social skills.
  • All children aren’t the same. There isn’t a handbook that can teach you to be a good parent.
  • Don’t try to make your child fit the “standard” of what others think they should be; adjust your parenting to fit the child.

Judge Good Parenting?

  • Do not hit. Do not yell at your child either. Spanking can cause your child to become aggressive.
  • Treat your child with respect.
  • Remember, children mirror a parent’s behavior .

    Dad forces son to destroy Xbox: Good Parenting …

    Judge Good Parenting?

    We all want to teach our kids right from wrong. But, is public shaming the best way to discipline a child? A YouTube video of a father forcing his son to destroy an Xbox console because of failing grades has got many people…

    Feel Confident as a Good Parent

    “What it’s like to be a parent: It’s one of the hardest things you’ll ever do but in exchange it teaches you the meaning of unconditional love.”
    ― Nicholas Sparks, The Wedding Stop second-guessing whether you are a good parent. Just do it. Give your child support and understanding and feel confident in what you are doing.