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Stress and depression parents and guardians often fall into the trap of assuming that their kid must live happy. Ignoring the signs and continue to perceive the youth is immune from the struggles of mental illness. As a matter of fact, teenagers do not have to deal with grown up responsibility. Such as careers, and other work related life stress adults deal with daily. However Sadly, though, children can and do experience unrelated stress that can lead to depression.

Stress and depression

Stress and Depression Parental Role

It’s the job of the caregiver to not only identify it. But get them the help they need. Stress is a response to the demands placed on us and the (in)ability to meet them. For children and teens, school, family life, and social expectations can be a source of hidden stress. As for depression, life events (such as trauma), physical health, and biochemical disturbances are major influences.

Stress and depression

Teenager  Stress and Depression

As your child enters adolescence, the changing dynamics of their life can be difficult to deal with. New responsibilities, new expectations to be met, and a whole host of other aspects of life can be a lot for a teen to handle, and can lead to stress, anxiety, and worsening depression if not handled properly.

Stress and Depression

The first step in identifying that there is a problem is developing trust and understanding. This is an ongoing process that never stops. Listen to your children, encourage them to express themselves. That way, it’s easier to see when something is wrong.
There is some overlap in the signs of depression and stress.

Its important to know that you need to be alert. Look out for these red flags mood swings, changes in sleep patterns, acting out, or trouble concentrating. Not completing tasks can be an indication that something is wrong.Stress and depression

Stress and depression

Similar signs and symptoms could be frequent headaches, and stomachaches. When it comes to depression, be on the lookout for social withdrawal, changes in appetite, low energy, and preoccupation with thoughts of ending life.

Early intervention is key. Remember that there is absolutely no shame in seeking help from a mental health professional. They will be able to guide you and to help your child to better mental health.
A huge part of treatment, especially for children, is a healthy home life. Make time for your children, play with them, talk with (not at) them, especially if they’ve had a stressful or sad day. Try your best to reduce stress and depression-inducing aspects of your child’s life.

Recognized stress and depression in children

While your child (especially if they are a teenager) may not be uncomfortable disclosing their mental health issues to their teachers, it may be a good idea to do so. Teachers who know what your child is going through can help to provide the best, least stressful educational environment for your child. They can intervene when they see the signs of things like bullying or struggling teenager.

Teachers can even benefit from training to help them identify the signs of stress, depression, and other issues, and so can intervene.
Remember that, although stress and especially depression are serious, they can be treated. Be careful not to let your own stress and depression bring you down, too. Your mental health is also important! Plus, it’s harder to take care of someone else when you’re feeling down yourself.