by Patrice M Foster | May 5, 2020 | nursing posts, teenage depression |
Optimistic Mood Staying positive in these difficult times is hard. Due to COVID-19, people all over the United States and the world are being ordered to stay home or at least limit their time outside. Social distancing and self-quarantine have become par for the...
by Patrice M Foster | Apr 17, 2020 | nursing posts |
Family Closeness Family bond closeness at times can seems challenging. We all know how fundamental family is to our health, both physical and mental. Parents and guardians try their best to keep everyone happy and healthy. And the best way to do that is to nurture a...
by Patrice M Foster | Mar 31, 2020 | teenage depression |
Do you think Still talking is that it. For many people, it’s hard to believe that mental illness, including depression, is still an issue among our teenagers. Children often hide how they feel from their parents, who may end up thinking anything they see is just a...
by Patrice M Foster | Mar 13, 2020 | nursing posts, teenage depression |
Phys Ed Class Physical education (P.E.) is a required class that is given in schools throughout the United States. Although, many are under the impression that P.E. is easier than most classes, it is the least favorite class for teenagers based on attendance record....
by Patrice M Foster | Feb 11, 2020 | parents, teenage depression |
Do I have? Teen Mental Illness affects people of all walks and stages of life. This, of course, includes teenagers. Do you think you might have depression? Let’s see if we can shed some light for you. First of all, clinical depression isn’t contagious. Do I have Teen...
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