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It’s the Norm

Sadness and depression not black and white It’s one of the worst things to imagine as a parent: Your child being unhappy, especially for long periods. No matter how hard you work to maintain a healthy environment for your child, though, it’s impossible to keep them happy all the time. But is your child’s sadness normal, or are they suffering from depression? What’s the difference? Is there any way to help?

Sadness and depression

Sadness and Depression

While intense and prolonged sadness is one symptom of depression. It is not enough for a diagnosis. Clinical depression is a mental health issue. One with symptoms such as changes in appetite and sleep patterns.As much as,  low motivation, changes in behavior, and even physiological symptoms like fatigue and pain. If your child is suffering from these, along with intense, reoccurring low mood that has continued for more than two weeks, it would be a good idea to seek medical advice.

Sadness and depression


As a matter of fact, it’s difficult to lead an active, productive life. The low mood and lack of motivation make it hard to bring yourself to do things that are important. What’s more, negative thoughts pop up in your head all the time and you have to fight through them just to put one figurative foot in front of the other. In children, this might make it hard to go to school every day and to keep grades up, and to have a healthy social life.

Sadness and depression

Fortunately, there are ways you as a parent can help. Firstly, listen. Don’t shut them down when they talk to you, even if they’re saying negative things about themselves. They might say things like, “I’m weird,” “I’m ugly,” or “I’m stupid.” The worst thing is: They genuinely mean it. Gently let them know that you don’t think those things about them, and that you’re willing and able to support them any way you can.

Sadness and depression

Hiding sadness and depression

First, second, third, be sure not to make them feel like it’s their fault. People with depression are prone to blaming themselves. For feeling sad and not getting better fast enough. Don’t tell them to “just be happy,” or (even worse) say, “Is that what you’re making such a big deal about?!” Words like these are liable to be taken to heart and make them feel worse. They may start to believe that how they feel is invalid or that they’re weak. For fear that, you see them as silly for letting it control them.

Sadness and Depression  

Lastly, although this maybe through, it’s important to know that, while your support is extremely important, depression is a health issue. Find a mental health professional that your child can trust to evaluate and treat them. Treatment starts with talk therapy. And, if the professional finds your child needs extra help. They will prescribe medicines called antidepressants to help your child regain control.
Yes, depression is characterized by sadness, but it’s a lot more. Still, together, we can fight it and win.