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Homeless Kids This Christmas show kindness 

During the holidays, we tend to be the most excited not only for the gifts and the giving.  But also for the good times we share with our loved ones. Homeless kids Christmas  we sometimes fail to see how lucky we are. There are many children who are suffering through the holidays. Sometimes we  take for granted what we have. Children who are homeless feels alone. Many are  isolated due to lack of a good support system. And most are spending time in group homes, detention centers and foster care system.

Homeless kids Christmas

Homeless kids Christmas

As a nurse I can empathize with the people care for.  Working with children, and trying to explain to them that things will be okay. When they have difficult personal lives. Just pulls at my heartstrings. Grasping tightly and trying to fight back the  tears at times can be difficult.  How would you handle breaking the news to a child who asks you. “Why doesn’t Daddy love me ?” “or Why can’t I spend Christmas with a family?”

Because you care 

When placement is challenging. At such a time the stories, and questions are hardest for them to understand. One example that comes to mind was a little girl.  Who was tearful and sad and was being treated for depression It was her first holiday season away from the family she had grown to  know since her parents died five years ago.

Homeless kids Christmas

Homeless kids Christmas

For someone in mourning especially a child its important that they feel that they have a safe environment  to express their feelings. Grieving itself is a long process that can be difficult. The first time confronting loss of  family members and especially during the festive seasons. When you  think about  this knowing the uncertainty of  being place in foster homes with other orphans. You have to assume that there are many things on the child’s  mind. Helping them feel comfortable. Before the transition period is very important.  It is necessary to allowing them  to be verbal. And to engage them in activities. Through which they will be able to express their feelings about what is  happening.

Homeless kids Christmas

In order to best help the youth deal with the stress of being without a parent. During the Christmas holiday emphasize that they do have other people in their support system. Work with psychiatrists, therapists, social workers, activities, and nurses. Most children who are going through loss in a hospital. Will have some caretaker who has primarily interacted with their healthcare providers, and this is someone who you should use as a point of strength for the child. At no point should you deprive them of a positive role model.