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When you’re single

Valentine’s Day again If you believe the popular myth about Valentine’s Day. It’s a time when couples do romantic things like eating candlelit dinners. Taking moonlit walks on a beach and giving each other flowers or jewelry. Generally behaving like teenagers in the throes of their first love.

 Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day

However, much of this is simply not true. There are millions of people who don’t do romantic things on Valentine’s . Simply because they don’t believe in being manipulated into artificial displays of romance, or they’re just not the type. They don’t have a significant other in their life right now.

Dealing with love day

Valentine’s Day can be hard on the people who are not in a romantic relationship. Instead of celebrating your love. You can feel like there’s a party going on that you weren’t invited to. You see other people giving gifts and doing exciting things together, but you’re left out.

Valentine's Day

This can cause depression, especially in teens who are already predisposed to be depressed. You can feel unloved, and those thoughts can spiral into Major depression.

Sad on Valentine’s Day

This is probably why there’s a movement to also celebrate something called Singles Awareness Day on February 14, so that single people can feel good about themselves, instead of feeling forgotten or left out.

Celebrate you

Whether you celebrate Singles Awareness Day or not, you can take measures to fight depression and actually have a good time on Valentine’s Day. Here are some suggestions.

Treat yourself. There’s no need to abstain from chocolate just because you’re not in a romantic relationship. Eat some Valentine’s Day candy, buy yourself flowers, get a massage, give yourself a present. Why not?

Valentine’s Day

Do something nice for someone. Reach out and show some love to another human being. Take a lonely person out to lunch, send a card, make a phone call. You’ll feel better about yourself, and you’ll make someone else happy.

Dealing with Valentine's Day when you're single again is challenging

Decide if you want to be alone or with people. Don’t feel obligated to stay home and wallow in your sadness; if you need social interaction, then take steps to be around people. However, if you prefer to be alone (and some people do), enjoy your alone time completely, and don’t start a pity party for yourself.

Plan a trip. Planning a trip to a fun destination is a great way to lift your spirits. Go online and look at pictures of places you’d like to visit, and start making your plans.

Use positive affirmations. Repeating affirmations like, “I love myself,” “I am a happy, healthy person,” “I enjoy my life,” “I believe in myself,” and the like will make you feel better, and they have been proven to work. In fact, don’t just do the affirmations on Valentine’s Day — make them part of your daily routine, and your life will change for the better.

Do something wild. Step outside your comfort zone for the day. Go bungee jumping, take a tango class — anything to shake up your routine is good.

Be grateful. Make a list of all the good things in your life, and feel gratitude for them. You may be surprised at how many reasons you have to feel good about yourself and your life.

Just remember, Valentine’s Day is all about sharing love, and you don’t need a significant other to do that.