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Celebrate Nurse Everyday not just one week never really think about how amazing these Healthcare workers are  until you need them. But there is no doubt these wonderful beings deserve our thanks and appreciate every single day. Nurse’s care for you.  When you’ve been sick or injured. Sometimes puts their own life and health at risk to help you.

Celebrate Nurse Everyday not just one week

Healthcare Professional work to provide care to patients, and endure a bit of schooling to be able to practice.“Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.” ― Abraham Lincoln

Celebrate Nurse Everyday not just one week

to be a healthcare provider. It takes a very special person They care about their patients. And want to make sure that they are comfort  when something is wrong. Caregivers do everything from provide medications to talking to the patient.

Celebrate Nurse Everyday not just one week

They work inside of hospitals, doctor’s offices, nursing homes and many other locations. To make sure that each patient taken care. When a doctor is busy, then we are always there to take care.There is a day dedicated to celebrate nurses.

Celebrate Nurse Everyday not just one week

This one week takes place in May, and there are different activities to honor. Who give up holidays and themselves to care for their patients.  They  are our heroes, and while it is important to join in on the festivities that take place during the week. We shouldn’t be limited to just one week out of the year.

Celebrate Nurse Everyday not just one week

If you or someone who you love has needed the care of a  nurse  in the past. Take the time to show them how much you appreciate what they have done for you. There are so many ways you can do this. Sometimes all that it takes is a card or even a simple thank you to show that appreciation.