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Teen depression

Nature, mother earth and the environment what does this have to do with depression you say. For starters, it can break your heart to find out your child is in constant pain.  And you can feel as if it’s entirely your fault. Stop blaming yourself. Don’t start  thinking like that it is not your fault.

What is the nature of teenage depression causes understand why your lack of interest change

Nature causes

Teenage depression causes: Most of which you have no control over. Most cases of despair the teen is not just having a bad day. Sadness caused by chemical imbalances in your youth’s mind. Sometimes, it’s as “simple” as your teenager’s brain not making enough dopamine (which can trigger happiness). That’s something you can’t control.

Mother Nature issues

It’s imperative that you do not blame yourself. Or even try to find a single cause for your child sad mood because you did something wrong. It could be mental illness caused by external factors out of your control. Discovering your adolescent is not mentally ill. May lead to tension in your relationship. But blaming yourself or accusing other can cause much more frustration and anger. Your child needs your love and support now.

The nature of it all 

And, yes, it’s easy to chalk everything up to “teenage hormones,” but this may not be the cause. Rather, those hormones going crazy will act as a catalyst and can make the depression worse or more extreme. The best thing you can do is work with your child to find something that may help overcome or even deal with their depression. Get medical professional involved as soon as possible.

What is the nature of teenage depression causes understand why your lack of interest change

It may seem complicated. Help your teenager cope with depression. Encourage family discussion, but do not force it. Talk to your teen and keep the conversation light.
What is the nature of depression
The best thing you can do for your child. As his or her parent, is to make him or her feel safe. Once trust is achieved you will either hear more about any thoughts and worries. You are not alone in your struggles. There are other teenagers suffering from similar symptoms of depression the causes not fully known.