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Take Personal Strengths Back Don’t give up

Attributing weakness to depression or lack of strength to giving up is not my goal. Teenage depression a topic normally talks about and while all that information is great for you I’m taking this article in a different direction. Take Personal Strengths Back  don’t give up we’re too deep in, or too close to a situation to see it for what it is and it can hinder the process of positive change. I know, for a fact that you are stronger than you think and that you are capable of so, so much and I’m going to tell you why. “Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.”  Maya Angelou.

Take Personal Strengths Back Don't give up

Take Personal Strengths Back Don’t give up

One thing I’ve learned over the last few years is that no-one has power over you unless you allow them to take control of your life. It’s not an easy realization as it forces you to consider your role in your emotions, your actions and the changes you hope to make in your life. But in taking a step towards this kind of thinking, you can put your life back on track and claim it as 100% yours. It’s important to note that often it’s not just people who get the upper hand over us. Situations, circumstances, and even our own emotions can boycott positive thinking. take-personal-strength-back

Take Personal Strengths Back Don’t give up

So what exactly does “being strong” look like? Does it mean you never feel pain? Or that you’ll never again have those feelings of wanting to give up? Does it mean you finally smile, all the time? Nope, it unfortunately does not. What it does mean, though, is that you have more mental stamina to take care of yourself and your emotions. Getting to that point requires drive, and at the heart of keeping your personal strength intact, is motivation. Listen to Eric Thomas &  Les Brown motivational speakers.

Take Personal Strengths Back Don’t give up

Take Personal Strengths Back Don’t give up

Now I realize it’s all much easier said than done. If you’re not motivated, you’re not motivated, right? But I want to remind you that thinking that way is robbing you of something amazing, your own willpower. Willpower is your key to motivation, it doesn’t work the other way around. With willpower, you can see your way through that first bit of resistance your body and mind gives you when you’re not motivated. That moment of sheer distaste for what you have to go through or set your mind to. What I’m really trying to say here is that the moments that leave you the most unmotivated actually offer you the most potential for personal growth and strength. 

Take Personal Strengths Back Don’t give up

Taking your personal strengths back don’t give up and being motivated doesn’t always come naturally. Sometimes we have to find motivation in what you’re experiencing. That means looking for a goal, objective or reason for what you’re doing or trying to achieve. If you want to remain strong in order to make the best choices and direct your life the way it should be going, you’ll sometimes have to face moments in which you will not be inspired, or motivated. Remind yourself why you’d like to do it and don’t let anyone or anything deter you from reaching that goal.