Children needs
To feel love is one basic needs all human being requires. There are many children abandoned by parents to face the cold harsh reality of the world. After being neglected, they’re thrown into Orphanages where they’re mistreated and are sometimes left to fend for themselves. They’re often physically abused, coerced into prostitution and substance abuse, and some even gain attachment with gangs. What Children need from Parents is time and love not toys.
Feel Love
They don’t need it from strangers but they need it from you, their parent(s). Showing your child that you love them is not rocket science. It will present a challenge, especially if you’re new to parenting. However, it’s possible to give your children the love they deserve. It’s your responsibility to give it. Here’s how…Children need love responsibility give
Children need to feel love by parents responsibility will come.
It’s a responsible parent who sets and enforces rules within their home. However, parents should do well to consider the emotions of their child when setting rules. While children need boundaries, they could be too close-fitted or rigid that they allow your child to rebel. Parents need to be considerate and reasonable. A typical example: Your son has expressed his want to stay with a friend at his home for just a few hours. It’s not a school night and the friend is a good kid… so are his parents.
Your child need to feel love
- Play time: Make time for needs.
Do you bend the rules to his wishes or are you reluctant? If you give your child boundaries, it’s a sure sign that you trust them. In turn, they’ll work hard to make sure they keep, instead of breaking that trust. Parents, it won’t hurt occasionally to give in to your children’s requests, provided they’re not breaking the law or hurting themselves. Are you always too busy with ‘this’ and ‘that’ to spend some quality time with your kids? Are you always making decisions without considering how the emotional needs of a child, your child, affected? I know it is hard especially if you are a single parents.
Feeling love
- Needs and wants : Discipline
Our child much like you an I, their human too. When your child fails to live up to your standards, for one reason or the other, be cautious when applying discipline. Be careful not to discipline your child in public or in the presence of his siblings. Discipline is often mistaken with physical force. You don’t have to touch your child to enforce discipline. Physical discipline often results in physical abuse. Disciplining your children should no way border verbal abuse of any sort. That could lead to resentment and emotional scars. Be gentle and bear in mind that you were once young. We’re all subjected to failure. As Parents It’s your responsibility.
Raising a child can or actually is tough. There are no books or buzzers to zap you to tell you that you are doing it all wrong. All we can do is hope, try and learn.
Aimee, We just have to give it our best and hope the kids will follow. Thanks for your continue support.
This is so spot on, Patrice!
Nichole, Glad you like Thanks for your support.
Parenting is hard. I figure if I focus on spending time with my children and love them those are the things that really count. If I make mistakes along the way they will always be able to say I was there and showed them affection.
These are the things I remember most about my childhood. My parents were very affectionate with me and I do the same with my children. I think acts of love are so important in the early years.
Mimi, Glad you like. Thanks for support.
Thanks for sharing this- such a great reminder. Kids are humans too, it’s so easy to expect them to be little adults when they aren’t!
Gladyou like. Thank you for your support.
Love this! So spot on. I am so happy you shared these. So many people forget their children are people too.
Absolutely agree chidren needs their parents love. Not strangers. I also, everyday, I speak life over my kids. This is one area that a lot of parents also miss. I speak every single morning affirmation over them. Mold them to be better human beings as they approach their adult stages. My kids are very young (ages 7 and 4) so they honestly do not give me much trouble. They are so good that I hope, wish, and I pray they remain this way as they get big. But I still speak life over them daily as well.
Janelle, Good for you… your kids won’t forget the time spend with morning affirmation. Everyone has there unique way; time is time even if it’s a minute to listen to your child. Thanks for continue support.
All of it so true! I know that sometimes it’s hard for me to disconnect from telephones and computers and really give my daughter her all – it’s something I am working on (and I have a feeling a lot of other parents do too!)
Madaline, It’s hard for most parents but we have to try and make time. Thanks for your support.
Patrice this is the very thing that was discussed yesterday morning! There were several points that smacked me in the face. Especially about being impatient or too busy. Thanks for the reminders.
Mardesia, Glad I was able to make a difference. Thank you for your support.
I love my children and I make sure to hug and kiss them everyday. Love is the most powerful emotion. It has the ability to heal us. Thanks for the thoughtful post!
Emerald, Glad you like. Thank you for continue support.