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Your Anger Issues and Outbursts

Anger issues, especially those that result in daily outbursts. Should not be dismissed as part of a teenage phase. They can often disrupt the peace of the household. And be a threat to the teen’s future. As such, parents should take action to find a solution as soon as possible.“Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.”
Maya Angelou

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Anger Issues

There are many possible factors that contribute to this kind of behaviors. Life changes such as changing schools, parents going through a divorce, and (although quite unpleasant to consider) abuse can result in the teen acting out as they try to make sense of their emotions and the world around them.

Behavior Anger issues

It is important to understand that, though your teen may be taller than you, or mature in quite a few ways, they are still developing. Their brain is still growing and forming new synapses. This means that they have not yet fully learn how to deal with issues that plague them.

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Angry Issues

Yes, it may be overwhelming and exhausting to be constantly worrying about and fighting with, but your child needs you, even if they would never admit it to themselves or to you. The first step is identifying the difference between occasional bouts of anger and more serious issues. Everybody gets angry every now and then, but if it is frequent and seems potentially harmful, then you should not ignore this instinct.

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Anger Issues & Signs of depression

A teen’s anger issues come with other issues such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. If you notice behavioral changes such as self-harm, extreme changes in weight, violence at school, or failing grades, don’t ignore them. Furthermore, you should never dismiss any mention of suicide.

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Help for angry issues

Before we continue, this is important to mention: If you feel that you or anyone in your family is at risk from your child’s behavior, get help! Call a friend or family member, or even the police. Your safety and that of your loved ones, is important, and it is crucial to get backup before things escalate into something you and your teen would likely regret.

Solution for angry issues

If you identify anything that leads you to believe your teen needs help, it is important to know your limits as a parent. Although we said earlier that your teen needs you, the fact is that you are not the best person to intercede in some ways. Yes, keep the communication channels open (as this can help you find the root of the anger and put things in place to solve the issues), and let your teen know that you love them, and are willing to help in any way possible. However, they may be uncomfortable expressing certain things with you.

Therapy may help with angry Issues.

Get in contact with a doctor, counselor, therapist, or other mental health professional and explain the situation. They would not only be able to help put your mind at ease, but set up a plan of action to get your teen the help they need.

Try other health alternative ways to deal with Anger Issues.

Along with this, you need to provide your teen with a healthy refuge (at home or otherwise) when things get overwhelming. Also, establish strict boundaries, rules, and consequences. Ensure you do it when you and your teen are both calm. Take care of your teen’s wellbeing: ensure their diet and sleep are adequate, and encourage exercise.

Your love and support are crucial to getting your family through this rough patch