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A soothing cup of chamomile tea or glass of ice-cold lemonade.   Four Healthy Ways De-Stress hacks after a long day.  But incorporating these few tips into your lifestyle. Will keep the sad feelings, emotional  ‘”I hate my life” expressions at bay.  If you think working from home over the weekend will impress your boss or earn you a few extra bucks.  One can never underestimate the power of breaks.  Increasing productivity, energy levels and enthusiasm.

Healthy Ways De-Stress

4 Healthy Ways De-Stress

A rule of thumb to fight sadness and depression: “Look good to feel good!” In order to be gentle to the mind and soul, you need to be generous to your body. Drop by a salon, treat yourself to a massage, or simply don your Sunday-best to have the mirror reflect; a new ‘you’. A well-dressed look will not only boost your self-confidence, but also uplift your mood to make you feel lighter and happier.

Healthy ways

Get enough sleep period. Your body and mind need enough rest to keep up with your routine. Sleep deprivation will make you feel low and mentally exhausted throughout the day. Follow the ‘eight-hour a night, every night’ rule to support a cheerful demeanor.

Meditation and exercise are potent stress busters. Practice deep breathing, stretching and relaxing yoga exercises when tension runs high. If you have been coiled up inside your house all day, step outside to embrace some sunshine, vitamins and fresh air to help your mind combat the sadness.

What are healthy ways to laugh More.

Humor is the best medicine for emotional and mental stress. It is medically proven to enhance blood circulation, reduce tension and keep you hale and hearty.

Forget your worries for a while by watching a comedy movie or hanging out with a funny friend. Finding humor in adversity and looking at the lighter side of things will help you break through the tension barrier and deal with your stress.