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 Panic Attack

Anxiety and depression are among the most common mental health issues people face. Though the two are distinct. Many people have both at the same time. A condition known as mixed anxiety-depressive disorder. “Anxiety is love’s greatest killer. It makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds on to you. You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic.” ― Anaïs Nin

Anxiety and depression together the easiest way to cope

Anxiety is an umbrella term for quite a few conditions. Panic attacks and excessive recurrent distress. Are common with these suffers.


Being anxious can make certain aspects of life difficult. It can take the form of phobias. Your child may isolate himself from others. And even show signs of being selective mutism. In which the sufferers are incapable of bringing themselves to speak. In certain social environments they appear as unresponsive. On the other hand, depression, is characterized by prolonged, recurrent sadness. That usually brings on by certain triggers.

Anxiety and depression together the easiest way to cope

Mixed anxiety-depressive

Characterized by these symptoms:

  • Disturbed sleep pattern  or constant feelings of tiredness/lack of energy.
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Enhanced sensory state
  • Quickness to cry

Since depressive disorders and anxiety are so similar. It should not come as a surprise that they have many of the same causes. Financial stress, relationship issues, and difficulties at work or school. All of these can cause the body to respond in that way. Anxiety can worsen the symptoms of depression by causing you to worry about it, and making you less susceptible to treatment.

Anxiety and depression together the easiest way to cope

Risk Factor Anxiety
  • are female
  • have experienced childhood trauma
  • Low self-esteem or a pessimistic personality
  • No family, friends,  support
  • Family history of mental health disorders
  • A history of substance Abuse

In order for someone to be diagnosed with mixed anxiety and depression. The symptoms must present themselves for at least four weeks. Not caused by medicines or health conditions. And significanly impair their active of daily living.

Anxious behavior  Treatment

As similar as the two conditions are, treating mixed anxiety depressive disorder is not somewhat complicated. What works with anxiety may not work with depression, and vice-versa. There are, however, medicines that are effective against both. Called [SSRI]  Prozac or Zoloft.  These may be the medicines that a psychiatrist prescribes to treat the mixed condition.

Change to reduce stress.
  • Regular exercise:  Reduce stress and anxiety. 30 minutes of aerobics on most days is a good rule of thumb.
  • Relaxation techniques: are crucial. Even simple things like breathing exercises. To calm the nerves . Can go a long way.
  • Sleep:  Important.  Without enough rest. The body will go into stress mode.  That can have a serious impact on one’s mental health.
  • Manage stress: By giving up certain responsibilities or delegating to others.
  • Cut down on alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine: While you may think these are calming you down.  They are actually stimulants.  And can make things a lot worse.

All this may seem like a lot. Dealt with it one day at a time. Simple walk or breathing slowly helps. Follow the plan you and your therapist come up with. Ways that  can help reduce your anxiety.