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Advice Parents: First to find out the reason for depression in your teen.  As a teenager,  couldn’t keep up with the pain; it numbed me to the core. Day in and day out no one could ever understand what I was going through. My Clinical depression started taking over my life and slow but sure I found myself more alone than ever until someone asked me a question. He asked me if despair  had taken my life from me, of course, said yes it had felt so lost. So he looked at me confused and said; “well, why haven’t you taken it back yet?” It was at that moment that it made perfect sense to me.

Best Advice Parents of Depressed Teenagers want to know

My Advice Parents listen to your child talk.

I couldn’t blame my inner turmoil for holding me back, I was holding myself back. “When you’re lost in those woods, it sometimes takes you a while to realize that you are lost. For the longest time, you can convince yourself that you’ve just wandered off the path, that you’ll find your way back to the trailhead any moment now. Then night falls again and again, and you still have no idea where you are, and it’s time to admit that you have bewildered yourself so far off the path that you don’t even know from which direction the sun rises anymore.” ‘€• Elizabeth Gilbert

Best Advice Parents of Depressed Teenagers want to know

Best Advice Parents don’t judge show you care.

Still have bouts of depression sometimes and remind myself what that man who care enough said to me. It was exactly what I needed. So now want to share with you something that made me look at this illness in a very different light. We’re always being told it’s a disease, it makes you suffer, that depression makes you unsociable, stigmatize and the list goes on. But has anyone ever told you that it could be making you stronger?

Advice Parents

Depression can help you relate to people. If  someone in despair and in need of a words of advice, wouldn’t it be easier to relate to that person if you’ve experienced it? Because you are going through this first hand, you’re the perfect candidate to allow another.

Advice for parents of depressed teenager

Best Advice Parents of Depressed Teenagers want to know

Advice Parents

Depression can make you a more compassionate person since you know what inner pain feels like, and it’s not something you’d wish on anyone, ever. Through your experiences, you have the potential to become a more compassionate and understanding person. Aid in your decision for change is a natural part of life, all things change. Sometimes we resist change and it can hurt even more.

Advice Parents

But when things get so bad, and you feel you have nothing to lose, it can be an empowering feeling to choose to make a change, or allow changes that will help you to be happier. Advantage plus tries to see your depression every day as a gift. It’s not going to be easy at first, I know, and I’m not going to sugar coat it either. But the feeling you get when you take that step forward and you can actually look behind you with new eyes is worth every bit of emotional resistance you may feel along the way.