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3 tips Raining Men

Good Black Friday quotes goes like this… “If men liked shopping they’d call it research” -Cynthia Nelms.  This quote explains all that you need to know about shopping and how men and women react to it. Men, more often than not, despise shopping, while women love it. Now before you accuse me of reinforcing stereotypes, let me distract you with another quote “Consumerism has a religious day called Black Friday” -Jarod Kintz

good black friday
Good Black Friday spending day.

I don’t know it as a fact, but I am pretty sure that Black Friday is the day that inspired terms such as shopaholic, and idioms such as shop till you drop. Black Friday is that day of the year when discounts on goods reach an all time high. What happens to the number of shoppers? Well
it’s safe to say that the number goes through the roof. Here are a few tips to help you enjoy black Friday without having to rue the expenditure the next day.

Free yourself

1. Make a budget and only use that
Don’t overspend! When going to shop for the annual black day, always make sure you leave your credit card at home and only carry as much cash as you had planned to spend. When you see hundreds of people on a shopping frenzy, there can be an instance when you can get carried away and overspend. Taking a set amount makes sure you don’t cross the limit.
2. Use the Internet to plot your strategy


In the Black day

There are several websites that keep track of all the prospective deals that are going to be available on Black Friday. Make sure you use such apps and websites and plan your strategy beforehand. This will help you take good advantage of all the best deals that serve your purpose

.Black Friday


Men and their coins!

3. Don’t be fooled
According to market experts, Black Friday isn’t the least expensive time for cloth shopping. There are other times when the rates are at their lowest such as August, September, and January. Black Friday however is a good time to shop on electronics and avail the discounts of consumerism’s holy day.
In short, I am not saying that you shouldn’t go out and shop on Friday. However, you need to keep in mind that you still have bills to pay along with other financial obligations, so a shopping spree is probably not the best of ideas.