by Patrice M Foster | Feb 8, 2018 | teenage depression |
Teens and depression Do you know? Depression in teens is a serious condition. Depression is a neurochemical imbalance that can occur at any time in someone’s life. It causes intense feeling of sadness and loss of interest. In previously enjoyable activities, and can...
by Patrice M Foster | Jan 26, 2018 | teenage depression |
Out of control Teenage behavior is hard to understand. At least that’s how it feels to many parents. You would think that having gone through this stage. Once before, it wouldn’t feel this way, but it does. If you are one of these parents, you’re not alone,...
by Patrice M Foster | Jan 15, 2018 | nursing posts, children, depression, Teens |
Gamers Video game depression, loneliness and addiction: Do you wonder if these gamer pastimes are more than a habit. That is not really good for your child mental health. If a kid spends hours on end with a controller in his hand, it might be a sign that things...
by Patrice M Foster | Dec 30, 2017 | parents, children, Teens |
Left alone to fend for themselves. School can be rough. As if tests, homework, and a load of new information wasn’t enough. Schoolmates can make life a real challenge for a kid. Bullying is serious business. In late November, ten year-old Ashawnty Davis of Sunrise...
by Patrice M Foster | Dec 20, 2017 | Christmas |
Holiday’s Christmas celebrations is often a family affair. As the year winds down and the Christmas decorations go up, many people travel across cities, states, and even oceans to be with the people they grew up with.But not everybody is able to share the...
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