by Patrice M Foster | Nov 27, 2021 | teenage depression |
intellectually challenged Teen’s Traveling advice dealing with your intellectually challenged child can be challenging. Your child may be confused as to why you are traveling. As a matter of fact, he or she may be bothered by the sights and sounds of the road...
by Patrice M Foster | Nov 23, 2021 | nursing posts |
Banging Head-Banging against hard objects, though fairly common behavior in children, is alarming to caregivers. Nonetheless, quite naturally so, especially when they hit their heads against something hard like walls. Head-Banging In fact the good news is that it can...
by Patrice M Foster | Nov 10, 2021 | nursing posts |
MisGendering Misgendering anyone may seem like nothing to you, but for the person you may come off as rude. As a matter of fact, not recognize or showing lack for their choice. Not to mention If you have a transgender teen, family member or even an associate. Whose...
by Patrice M Foster | Oct 29, 2021 | nursing posts, parents, Teens |
Why Do I Feel Guilty? Understand guilt in kids. There is a connection between the feelings of guilt and resentment. And the problems your child especially teenagers struggle with on a daily bases. Such as weight, goals, peer pressures, that need to fit in and dealing...
by Patrice M Foster | Oct 2, 2021 | Teens, teenage depression |
Don’t be Alarm! Emotional changes in your adolescent son may come as a shock to you. After all it may seem like he is turning into a completely different individual than he once was a year ago. What is happening to him, and why? There are many changes, and...
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