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How to Change Monday MorningΒ Blues into Positive

Just made it out of bed after the alarm clock went off this morning thinking.Β How to change Monday Morning Blues into Positive the best sleep you’ve had in a few months. And already the gloomΒ have settled in. Everything feels like a drag and you’re not quite sure if you’re going to get through the day in one piece, or not.Β The Monday morning blues are totally normal and believe it or not, even successful people have to endure the hazy Monday grind. It’s actually pretty easy to explain.

Change Morning BluesΒ 

What is Monday Morning blues definition by Psych central in this link

The body has a set routine or rhythm that it gets used to. Over weekends we break those rhythms replacingΒ them with late nights sleeping. Later in the mornings. Β All of these factors combined play a huge role in creating the negative feelings we get. The good news is, first day of the week don’t have to be a drag and there are a few things you can do to streamline your experience. Here are the top 5 suggestions that you can do right now to get your Monday started on the right foot.

How to Change Monday Morning Blues into Positive

  1. Take some time on Friday and get your things together.

While you’re still in the mood and in the zone. Get your homework, chores, and other important things that need to be completed by early Monday done on Friday. This ensures that you don’t have to do any last minute cramming and it safeguards against forgetting about the important things.

2. Β  Β Get Β morning routine started on Sunday Night

We’ve all had that dream where you wake up. Get dressed, brush your teeth, eat your breakfast and walk out of the door. Smiles and feeling pretty awesome about the day – only to wake up and realize you have to do it all over again. Only this time you’re in a terrible mood, you’re late, and nothing’s running smooth.

How to Change Monday Morning Blues into Positive way

Skip all that trouble by getting your things ready the night before. As a bonus, if you know everything is done and dusted, you could get some extra sleep in the morning, even if it’s only 10 minutes – every minute counts on a Monday.

  1. StartΒ you’reΒ morning right

It’s easy to get stuck in the strain of getting out of bed. But just do it. When your alarm goes off don’t compromise or negotiate. Get up and get going. There’s no better way than to start the day fresh and clean so take a morning shower. Clear the brain fog by standing under the cold water for a couple of seconds at the end of your shower.

How to Change Monday Morning Blues into Positive

  1. Drink a tall glass of ice cold water

Put a bottle of water in the fridge on Sunday evenings. Β Make a point to start every day with a tall glass of ice-cold water. Not only will this wake you up. But also it will refresh you and ensure that you don’t start your day dehydrated, which, by the way, can also account for the Monday morning grogginess.

  1. Chillax
Even steamrolling through the things you have to do in the week.

Relax on the weekend. It’s so important to set up a balanced routine of chores, responsibilities and play time. Both your body and mind need time off. In order to continue functioning at their best.Β Now, the only question is, are you going to take up the challenge to vanish your Monday morning blues?