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Emotional Behaviors

Change self Harm this is an impossible task  and can be overwelm because no matter what you do cutters will still find away to harm themselves. In order to even begin addressing the problem in your teen, you as the parent need to understand a few key elements. This is different from person to person. Most of the time, it is done as a coping mechanism, Grief, guilt, loneliness, and depression.

Change self harm behaviors in teens


How to Change self harm keep teens safe now

Anxiety a few reasons some resort to hurting themselves. Most self-harmers find immense relief in the act of hurting themselves. In short, it is a way of relieving emotional pain by causing physical pain. This is extremely addictive to the person doing it. The good feeling that comes with the feel good effects. Is what drives many cutters to do this  regular. However, this type of relief is not permanent. When the next problem arises the quickest and easiest way to deal with it.

Change self harm behaviors in teens


Change self harm

It’s embarrassing, but the need to self-harm is incorrigible.  What’s more, your teen is  seething inside at the fact that her arms and legs look the way they do. but the need for emotional liberation outweighs everything else at that moment. There are triggers; understand them and you can begin the process of healing

Change self harm 

Triggers can even be something  small. It will be uniquely different for every person who inflicts harm on themselves, making it very hard to pinpoint the exact cause on a general scale. The habit of self-harm runs deeper than what we always thought. Originally, self-harm  labeled as an attention seeking method.  That with maturity it would simply taper away. This isn’t actually true as most cutters do their damage in secret. Taking great measures to hide what is happening.

 How to Deal with change self harm behaviors in teens. 
  • Don’t allow for further embarrassment by letting everyone and the pope know about it. It’s going to do more damage in your teen than good.
  • Try telling your teen how much it scares you to see her doing what she’s doing. By letting her know that you’re unsure of how to deal emotionally with her problem, she might not feel so alone carrying the burden and hopefully it will open her eyes to your plight as a parent.
  • Self-injury  facts Don’t try to fix her yourself. She needs to be the one to do so. Rather be her rock when she needs support, and her net, should she fall.
  • Don’t carry the emotional weight for her. In order to deal with the problem, she will need to learn how to successfully carry and work through emotional stress.

Identify the triggers in your teen’s life and help her to find ways of dealing with her emotions in a more satisfactory way. She may not have a clue where to start. If your teen can recognize her own triggers. she will be able to spot the situations that may send her spiraling before they happen. Thus, you’ll be encouraging her to be active in her own growth.

Now that you are more familiar with self-injury, the best thing you can do for your teen is to understand that she is the one who will have to put in an immense effort to change the pattern. Managing change teenager will need a lot of emotional sacrifice and patience from your side as a parent too. You may need to face some serious challenges. Do so with courage and as always, model the right behavior so your teenager follow and  build on. The good news is that it can be overcome and your teen will be stronger for it.