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Family and  Friends

Depression stigma:  To this day, mental health problems  is a widely misunderstood. Unfortunately, this misconception often leads to shame. Many teens with depression feel ashamed and guilty for their condition, which is made worse by how others sometimes treat them. As bad as that is, there are things that we can do to help the situation, especially as parents and other caregivers.



Depression stigma

First of all, I need to stress that clinical depression is not just intense sadness. Yes, low mood is a part of it, but it also steals the motivation to do many basic things. Somebody with depression might not groom themselves properly or could come off as unreliable. A depressive episode can come up suddenly, making it hard for them to do or even care about what’s expected of them.

depression stigma

Depression stigma

In other words, beliefs regarding depression, it’s  not just that they’re lazy or irresponsible. They have to work harder to do what comes easier for neurotypical people. They may come across as forgetful, aloof, even flighty. And it doesn’t help that people (and even the media) often tell them to “just be happy” or give them other useless platitudes. Or, worse, cuss them out for not following through with things when their depression makes it hard to do so.

depression stigma in teens'

Depression stigma

To put it another way and so, what can we do about it? Well, as parents and guardians, you can learn as much as they can. Not only about depression in general, but the very unique way it presents in your teen. As you unlearn a lot of the misinformation about depression, you will be better equipped to communicate with your teen about their needs and how you can help them.

Mental health Stigma should not be ignored. As a matter of fact, Looking down on those struggling with mental illness is shameful and can cause the children to feel isolated. With this in mind  teenagers  fear that other teenagers will look at them differently in a discriminatory way. Parents may find it helpful to work closely with the school counselor and therapist to bring awareness to the forefront.

On the positive side additionally, this also allows you to advocate for your teen with family and friends if the situation comes up. Education starts with one person at a time. Nevertheless At the same time, though, you can also encourage your teen living with depression to advocate for themselves.

Depression stigma

In addition people with depression often feel social pressure to attend events or do social activities when they aren’t up for it. Or when these things would worsen their mental illness. I’m not saying they need to come out and say that they have depression if they are not ready for that. (Though, if they are, that can send a powerful message.)

In other words, family and friends what I am saying is that you should help your teen don’t feel sad or guilty for needing to put their mental health first. Just them standing their ground and saying they aren’t up for something could be a step towards helping wider society respect people with depression. Most important if your teenager has a preference for nondisclosure you and the family must respect the decision.

In conclusion all this might seem disheartening, to know others may look at your child differently. As a matter of fact mental well-being and  depression stigma towards anyone, whether teenagers or adult is distressing. We need to educate and support those guiding them in the right direction. Don’t worry  parents If you take it one step and one situation at a time, though, it makes it easier to summarize no one person will destroy all depression stigma all on their own. However, if we work together, we can help the world to understand it and stop stigmatizing people with depression.