Good friends are hard to find. We all have that one person in our lives that we can always call on. When times are hard and we are down and out. It takes a special person to be a friend. It’s important to know in life, “You’re going to come across people in your life. Who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it’s always their actions. You should judge them by. It’s their actions, not words that matter.” Nicholas Sparks. Maybe that is why we find it easier to click with them.
Good Friends many of us wish we had in our daily lives.
- Definition of Friendship
A friend knows all of your deepest secrets. They know the pain and struggle you have been through. They know what makes you upset, and what makes you happy and you called them your best friends. You have been through thick and thin together. Which makes the relationship even more special. And the bond you both share stronger than others. Loyalty and respect given to that one person  you call a best-friend this is definition of friendship.
Some people use the term good friends are so hard to find which can be quite correct at times. As we get older the comradeship we have with one another in our younger years. Become distant as we all led different lives.  We should never forget the importance of friendship. ” Spending time with friends is fun. But it may also yield a multitude of long-term physical and emotional health benefits.
Good Friends
Studies show that healthy relationships make aging more enjoyable, lessen grief, and provide camaraderie to help you reach personal goals, among other things. Maintaining positive relationships should rank up there with healthy eating and exercise”
Loyalty & friendship.
These relationships teach us to be cordial, respectful, and loyal to our spouse, children, and co-workers.  Bob Marley stated, “The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.” Anyone can say they are your friend when in all actuality they are nothing more but an acquaintance or someone who has the potential of being a great friend.
Good friends
It takes loyalty, dependability, fun and sincerity to be a good friend and at times it seems like everyone is all about themselves this teach us the true meaning of friendship.Which leads to the question, “Friends, How many of us have them?”
Amen to that. True friendship is seen when you’re down, ill, and feel broken. Few have those friendship and many desire it. Your best friend is yourself if we love our self despite our flaws. ….bravo Ms. Patrice
Empress M, so true. Glad you like it. Thank you for your support.
What an insightful post. I don’t count many true friends in my life mainly because i hold them to such high standards. A friend must be someone I can trust and always rely on no matter what. Unfortunately it can be really hard to find those people. I am lucky to have a few I know to be true.
Tiffany, Glad you like post. Friends and friendship and finding true friends once personal choice not easy.
Great post! I only have enough friends to count on one hand and I am perfectly fine with that. I’d rather have a few loyal friends than hang around people I can’t trust.
Quirky, Brown Love
Bree, I rather have a few friends too. Thank for your support.
Many people forget that everyone is not meant to stay in your life permanently, which can be explained in other words by saying that everyone is not your friend. I enjoyed this post, because it highlights what benefits can be reaped by having healthy friendships. Some people are in toxic friendships and sincerely wonder why they are so miserable.
Glad you like this post.
Some people forget that everyone is not meant to stay in your life permanently, which can be explained in other words by saying that everyone is not your friend. I enjoyed this post, because it highlights what benefits can be reaped by having healthy friendships. Some people are in toxic friendships and sincerely wonder why they are so miserable.
Ariana, you are so correct Some friendship are diffculty to keep. Thanks you for your support.
I really enjoyed your post Patrice, sincerity is such an important part of friendship. The best friends are the ones that stick by you through thick and thin. They know your flaws and your greatness like nobody else.
Leslei, If only others would understand that to be a friend you have to give of your self that’s what best friends do.
You make valid point.s I’m very fortunate to have good friends that I can call on to listen to and more while I’m living abroad. You really see who your friends are when you can’t just pick up the phone and talk to them everyday but they still maintain your relationship.
Nicole great to hear about your friendships. Glad you like. Thanks for your support.
I don’t use the word friendship lightly. I have only one friend who I know I can turn to for anything, others I consider to be associates.
Melody that is all you need one friend. Thanks for your support.
Finding a true friend is difficult. I can only count on one hand the number of people I can call a true friend. They are the ones I can trust and rely on when needed. I am glad I have these people in my life. Great post!
Glad you like post Celeste. True friend if you have one don’t let them go.
I don’t have a ton of friends, but the ones I do have are great ones. Many have been around for years. The oldest friend 30 years!
That is so great to hear about your long-term friendships. Thank you for your support.
You are so right about that Patrice! I’m so very blessed to have some really great sister-friends in my circle that I can call on anytime.
Christine, so many people do not know the difference between acquaintance and true friends. Glad you like this post.
I preach to my kids daily, there are friends and there are associates. I tend to describe my friends as those that I know will lay down their life for my children. Other than that, you’re an associate – I can talk on the phone with you when I have time, lol.
Taya so true. Glad you like post & thank you for your support.
What a powerful question. I have lost a lot of friends as a result of pursuing my purpose- not all friendships are meant to last.
Patricia You are so right not all friendship are meanth to last. Thanks for your support.