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Family Conflicts in Children

Can family conflicts cause  emotional issues in children? It  has been well documented. Cause significant negative impact on these children. In fact, parental issues are often the main source of behavioral problems in children. If you and your partner fight a lot, your child will most certainly notice it. Crisis intervention for mental health maybe needed if there is constant family fighting which can greatly affect your child social skills.

Effect Family Conflicts Children

Family Conflicts affect children

Some children will respond to family conflict by acting out — this is, in fact, most often the case. If you notice that your child is suddenly throwing tantrums and being angry all the time, or has problems controlling their negative emotions and violent behavior, this might be a sign that the parental crisis is affecting them severely. Parents taught by exposing their child to battle with spouse is a good thing but this becomes a burden.  The youth is force to choose side, which make the other parent angry. This is time to seek help your child may need to learn simple  skills such as coping with their emotions and  how to get along with others.

Effect Family Conflicts on kids

Many children will withdraw and not express their emotions. They might get depressed. Isolate from friends and family.  Stop enjoying their hobbies and preferred activities. Children that faced with family conflict at home, rarely get along well with their peers. They’re either too aggressive, withdrawn and lack social skills. Poor self-esteem is also often a sign of  mental health. These children sometime need assistance with simple skills such as how to resolved conflicts. Share, taking turns, making choices and boundaries.  List of social skills such as how to cope.  Dealing with conflicts, body languages can be taught in a caring positive environment. If these skills are not taught early the child may feel rejected later in life. It’s important to encourage the child to verbalize feeling and to listen and not judge.

  • Reasons

The reason children are affected  family issues.  Because many  might blame themselves for the problems at home. They might start thinking that their parents don’t love them.  Parent Fighting because the child is being disobedient, or “bad”.  They affect their physical, emotional and social development and can lead to long-term consequences that will prevent them from forming healthy relationships as adults. Problems such as depression are  common.