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Music and depression what exactly is it. Not only, but also all sounds are comprised of sound waves. What differentiates tune from other sounding noise. Uniqueness is the manner in which the sound vibrates and decrease from loud to a soft. Dropping metal pan on the floor presents erratic vibrations. Striking note on a piano chord presents a softer more uniform and smooth transition. Most importantly the obvious, a musical note is going to be much more pleasant to the ear and could cause good feeling.

Music And Depression
Music and depression

First, second, third There an old saying about how music soothes our soul. As a matter of fact Not only is this true, it is actually an understatement. Music plays such a profound part of our lives, that we will only just touch the surface about music and depression here, but let’s give it an overview. As a matter of facts, All of us grew up with certain songs or instrumentals that strike a chord. In the same fashion that reverberates through our entire being. For example, when I hear Whitney Huston ”  the greatest love of all” it immediately carries me back to a happy place in my life.

Music And Depression

Music and depression

The experience is so intense that I can remember the feel of the sun on my face. Not to mention the smell of hot dogs cooked over an open fire and the laughter of friends and family. There is a theory that certain notes or chords vibrate with vibration that is especially harmonious to specific people. Have you ever heard a song that gave you the chills?

Music And Depression in Teens

Music And Depression

If so, then you give validation to this theory. When this occurs, the music has a profound affect on the subconscious. Add intense emotion to the equation and you have one powerful pattern on your subconscious. Consequently will follow you the rest of your life. So, then you give validation to this theory. When this occurs, the music has a profound affect on the subconscious.

Music and depression in teens

For example, let’s say that you receive news of the loss of a loved one. While a specific piece of music is playing on the radio.Unfortunately, that particular music may have a lasting impression.Years later, for no apparent reason, you may find yourself immediately thrown into a state of depression. First, second, third upon hearing that same tune. The same can be true of positive feelings as described in the story above.

Music and depression

The subliminal effect of music is a proven fact. How often do you find yourself humming a fragment of a tune that you canít identify only to discover that itís a new ìcommercialî message you heard on your television. The advertising industry pays huge amounts of money to conduct research into why and how music works on the subconscious mind.

This is also the reason why you see the recent trend by large companies to reconstitute classics originally performed by some of the greats of stage and screen.

Just for fun, the next time you find yourself humming a tune, try and remember when, where and under what circumstances you heard it for the very first time. The exercise will probably help you to better understand how past events have shaped your musical preferences. And, the next time you hear any Whitney Huston  “I want to dance with somebody”  song you will remember reading this article.
Happy Listening!