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Mental Illness stigma affects many ethnic children’s mental health and it’s a big issue. As a matter of fact, the child often feels alienated and fears being labelled. This is especially true for the African American community. Because of association of mentalweaknessdiagnoses. I must be crazy. As a matter of fact, we use the word crazy in a humorous way among our friends and families. However, for a teen who is struggling with depression and anxiety name calling can have negative effect.

Mental Illness Stigma

Mental Illness stigma

There’re many different types of Mental health issues which include a wide range of condition, from the mild to the chronic. That affects mood, behavior, and our thoughts. It does not mean that someone psychosis, which is much closer to the idea that comes to mind when people think of insanity. 

Mental Illness stigma

Even so, mental illness is not something to feel ashamed. No one should be labeled or stigmatized for it. After all, stigma leads people not to seek treatment. The thoughts of taking medications along with overwhelming terror if word gets out and be ostracized by the community.

Mental Illness Stigma

 Mental Illness stigma

In the African American community, real boys don’t cry, Often shamed for beingsoft.” They act tough. This makes it hard for teen boys and girls struggling with depression. The youth suffered in silence. While their condition worsening over time until it finally gets too bad to ignore. By this stage, it might be harder to treat. You see, many mental health issues can hide in plain sight.

 Mental Illness stigma

In other words, sufferers learn strategies that allow them to mask their conditions, even from themselves. Sometimes, though, family and friends just have a hard time identifying exactly what is wrong, mistaking the problem as just temper issues or even stuff like laziness. We need to pay attention to our children and look out for changes in behavior, etc., that raise red flags.

Mental Illness Stigma

Mental Illness stigma

As a result, parents of children with mental health issues carry the burden of stigma plus the fear for their child’s well-being. On top of that, they often worry about the financial strain these conditions can have on them and if they will be able to support their child at  this time. Yes, it is daunting. Thankfully, though, there are medical centers that offer mental health services at affordable prices. Do a search for such services in your area.

Your child needs your support to deal with their mental health issues. Show them that you do not look down on them and that you will be there for them no matter what. It might take some relearning, but removing the shame and stigma surrounding mental health begins with our closest loved ones.