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5 Social Skills Conversation Starters__ avoid being a outcast

Developing social skills in groups is very important. It teaches kids how to behave in different multiethnic settings. If social skills are not learned early, some kids can be made to feel like outcasts. There will be some of you who just don’t struggle with making conversation, no matter how bad you feel—count yourself lucky.

Conversations with new friends

There are a vast majority of people who don’t feel as great at making conversation and even more people who feel like social outcasts after attempting to exchange a few words with a new acquaintance. “Everyone has their own ways of expression. I believe we all have a lot to say, but finding ways to say it is more than half the battle.” — Criss Jami.

5 Social Skills

Social Skills Conversation Starters Can Help

For those of you who don’t find it so easy, there is hope. It’s a two-fold remedy that I’d like to encourage you all to try at least once, if not twice—maybe three times—just to be sure you get it right. Before we tackle how to start the talk, let’s get into the science of starting a conversation—successfully.

It’s ok to feel uncomfortable with new people

First, remember that most people at some point in time struggle with interpersonal conversation. If you make an attempt to talk to someone and it’s a little awkward, don’t fret. Smile it off rather than become anxious about it. This way you’ll figure out what the person DOESN’T want to talk about, and you can move on.

Advice Comes Cheap and Lasts a Long Time

Asking for advice shows people you are open and want to communicate. It doesn’t have to be deep advice. Breaking the ice with an advice conversation starter could sound a little like this: What do you think about all of this, is it really worth it? (For example: if you are at an event or a lecture). Your communication skills take time so smile and be patient. Not everyone you meet will want to talk to you, but your smile will more than likely break the ice.

5 Social Skills Conversation Starters—Avoid Being an Outcast

Ask the Person a Question About Themselves

People often open up to you when you offer them a platform to talk about themselves. If you’re at an event, ask the person what they like most about the event? Who was their favorite performer? If you are at a party, talk about the food and ask the person about their favorite dip or meal. Staying off the cell phone and social media makes you look more approachable.

Some examples:

  • I haven’t seen you around before—have you just recently moved here?
  • I’m so glad to see a new face. Are you enjoying yourself?

social skills, communicate, social media bench-384611_640

Compliments Used as Social Skills

Here are some more ideas. The key here is to choose something that suits the person you’re trying to talk to.

  • Wow, that dress suits your eyes!
  • You’ve got such a pleasant nature. It seems like you’re really happy to be here.
  • I love the perfume you’re wearing. It reminds me of something, but I can’t quite think of what.
  • I’m so surprised at your honesty! It’s a breath of fresh air.

Relatable but not Negative Conversation 

Making someone comfortable during conversation is the key to a smooth experience. People are naturally drawn to positivity, so look for that upside, and focus on that while still being relatable.

How to change the way people see you

If you’re reading this, you must have wondered about how people perceive you at least once or twice in your life. We all wonder about this and everyone has to reinvent themselves as they grow. Adding a few key characteristics or some vital elements.

Conversation topics could sound similar to this:

  • Wow, that assignment was hard! What did you think?


Oh my gosh, our teacher is such a slob. I don’t like him at all—what do you think?

  • I’m a little nervous for the day ahead. But still, the challenge may be exciting! What do you think?


I’m so not looking forward to this boring activity AGAIN. I wish I could run away.

WEST HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH)—Elementary schools in West Haven are creating a positive school climate using a program called the “Second Step.” It teaches students skills on how to pay attention in class, control behavior, and get along with others.

Admit Your Shortcomings About Your Communication Skills

If you’ve really got no idea what to say, but you still want to make the effort to talk to someone, let them know that you struggle. This will put a little of the responsibility on them, and really, most people don’t mind this at all.

You could say:

  • “I’m really not that great at starting a conversation, but I thought I’d come say hi. My name is…”
  • “I’m sure there are a thousand things to talk about, but I couldn’t think of one.”

Your conversation will be just fine if you remember that you are not the only nervous one entering into a new connection. Communication skills practice can start anywhere try it. Rejection is not at all enjoyable, but then, no one enjoys rejection. If you keep smiling, making eye contact and reaching out—you will be a pro ice-breaker.