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Suicidal Thoughts: Feeling Alone in the Dark

Suicidal Thoughts: Feeling Alone in the Dark

Before you take matters into your own hands due to repeat bullying, life disappointments, and friends, read this. If you have suicidal thoughts and feel alone in the dark, you are not alone. Maybe your parents were not there for you, but life does go on. It’s extremely hard to keep feelings of depression hidden. How long can you wear that mask? “I am okay,” you may say, but under that mask, unbearable anger is eating at your soul.

Suicidal Thoughts: Feeling Alone in the Dark

Now, these thoughts are running around in your head. They make you feel useless and move you to a dark place. Unable to see through the murkiness surrounding you, cripples you. You may think your last resource is to end it. “When you’re drowning, you don’t think, I would be incredibly pleased if someone would notice I’m drowning and come and rescue me. You just scream,” John  Lennon wrote. You are not alone. There is help.


Are you feeling dark and alone?

Look in the mirror. Do you see how beautiful you are? Start by encouraging yourself with kind words. This has a more positive effect than self-destructive behaviors. Negative words in your head can be stopped but you have to be willing to acknowledge that you need help. You must seek out support. It’s there! You will get better and your life will improve, so hang in there. Believe in yourself. The only risk you should take is the risk to save your life. Trust someone with your dark feelings. Motivational video for you hold on.

Suicidal Thoughts: Feeling Alone in the Dark

Parents, Does your Teen Have Suicidal Thoughts?


Parents, self-destructive thoughts occur when your teen feels that life has no meaning, isolation sets in, and the only way out is to commit suicide. It’s important for you to know that you are not alone. Even if your child says “I want to kill myself” jokingly, take them seriously. In the United States: 1 (800) 273-8255 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Hours: 24 hours  7 days a week Languages: English, Spanish. Experienced personnel will be able to direct you appropriately.

Two Hours of Social Media a Day Linked to Suicidal Thoughts in Teens

Teens who use social media more than two hours a day are more likely to have suicidal thoughts, says a recent study. However, researchers did recommend that mental health providers become more active on social media. Mental health training for parents and teachers as a means of identifying symptoms of psychological distress or suicidal thoughts is also recommended.