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Teenage depression can’t do it alone.  Stats are very real revealing  the state of mind of many adolescent. Teens don’t go it alone there is help for you. One out of every 10 teenagers has been diagnosed with some form depressive disorder. Mental illness doesn’t favor a gender or race. It can affect anyone. Carrying the weight of mental illness on your own is noble. You may need someone who can see clear and is not personally involved.

Teenage Depression can't go through it alone help is available

Teenage Depression can’t go through it alone help is available

Ok to ask for  help. It’s quite normal to feel sad at times. Unfamiliar setting can trigger fear. Fear may cause anxiety attacks & direct pain.  Its Important for you to know anger don’t always lead to bouts of depression.  Clinical Depression, however, takes on many different forms. Last a lot longer than sadness does.

Teenage Depression can't go through it alone help is available

If you, or anyone you know is experiencing depression. Should considered getting help. Call the Hotline:1-800-273-8255 (talk) or join one of the websites medhelp.org or reachout.com . There you can get help while remaining anonymous

Teenage depression 

 Overwhelming feelings of pain, or numbness. It’s also possible that you may have a mixture of depression and anxiety. Anxiety can leave a person tied up in knots and it’s utterly relentless.

  • Increased anger
  • A drop in grades
  • Disregard for personal appearance or hygiene
  • Severe change in eating habits
  • Change in sleeping habits

Teens who are depressed need assistance

Social Media Cyber Bullying Linked to Teen Depression …

Teenage depression feels alone 

Cyberbullying on social media is linked to depression in teens. According to new research that analyzed multiple studies of the online phenomenon. Victimization of young people online has received an increasing level. It’s not shameful. Getting therapy is not a sign of weakness. Many teens suffer in seclusion due to fear.

Teenage Depression can’t go through it alone help is available
A good friend will be there for you.  Standing by you when you just need support. Lifting you up when you can’t seem to get there on your own.
Keep diary book with emergency hotline numbers. Store the numbers of people, organizations and forum-based websites that offer help to depressed teens. More important keep the numbers of the people who have helped you.