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Social support is important for anyone dealing with mental health issues. The circle of people surrounding your teenagers in times of depression is no less real for other age groups struggling with similar condition. If a teen in your life has depression, you might be at a loss as to how to comfort them. Don’t worry, though; I am here to help.

Social Support

Social Support

The first thing you have to understand is that depression is different for everyone. Not only can it differ from person to person. However, the symptoms and severity can vary in a single person over time. It’s also important to know that Sufferers often struggle with depression and anxiety. The importance of your child without positive support system can gravely affect their mental health.

Social Support


Social Support

This is the time to pay close attention, and—most importantly—listen to your child. Try to understand their specific experiences and needs. With your help, you can help them deal with crises, both internal and external on a daily basics. Depression is serious.  It negatively impacts a person’s energy, motivation, and even self-image. The symptoms can be so unnoticeable that the sufferer can go through the day with almost no impairment or include easily discernible things as changes in diet or sleep, and a complete lack of motivation to get out of bed.

Social Support

Parental Social Support

You will have to be patient with your teen. They may find it difficult to express themselves well and to maintain healthy relationships.They are hurting inside and may even lash out due to frustration.They may find it hard to do simple tasks like chores. They are not being lazy or difficult. After all, depression alters behavior and thought processes. It is  important to remember that it’s the depression talking and acting. Don’t take it personally.

Parents a key component of your support system is the home environment. It’s important to ensure that this space is healthy and promotes a healthy state of mind. In other words, keep unnecessary conflict and stressors away from your teen, if possible. Again, here is where you will need to listen to your teen. When they tell you that someone or something makes them uncomfortable, take them seriously. Unfortunately, they may choose to keep their concerns to themselves, so it is important you pay attention to how they react to things in this environment and make any possible changes.

Everyone Benefit: Social Support

Finally, mental health support starts early. As a matter of fact, by encouraging positive behavior your child may feel more comfortable to confide in you especially at their lowest times.Promote physical health. A healthy diet and exercise can be useful tools in helping the body stay in good shape. Most important our behavior and attitude about mental illness can affect the outcome. Unfortunately, parents tend to ignore the signs and the child feel the parents do not care and isolate themselves more. Eventually causing the depression to spiral out of control.

 A healthy diet and exercise can be useful tools in helping the body stay in good shape. This helps treat the depression by keeping physiological stressors at bay. Not to mention, exercise causes the release of hormones that can boost mood. Choose fun activities that your teen won’t see as a chore.
Depression is a journey that you and your teen take together. You give each other the strength to endure, which increases your chance of making it through to the end.