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Talking to teens about love and relationship may seem awkward at times.  Your child dating  practice with another should be a concern. Although some school educate, the responsibility falls on the Parents. If you are not comfortable talking to your child seek advice from local clinic or Pediatrician. Love advice need to start at home. Keep in mind your teenager may already know more from their peers and keeping their secrets risky behavior from you.

You want to talk about love and relationship with teen

Teens Love Relationship Advice

Important that if your adolescent Is active and involved  to explain in a caring manner the danger. In a few school education is still  offered but this is becoming less in many schools. Don’t count on classroom instruction alone. These special talk needs to happen at home. Safety should be a  concern. Consider the risk when speaking with your child.

You want to talk about love and relationship with teen

Tell them the best way to make sure that they are protected is to use a condom. Apart from protecting  from unwanted pregnancy. Condoms are the best way to avoid contact with any STD. If you have a latex allergy, you can opt for latex-free. Make sure read the instructions . Parents your teen long-term relationship  may be stressful and break-up can cause depression in your teenager.It’s a good idea to have the talk with them.


Parents important to talk with your child. Like you’d do with an adult and respect their choices  regardless of whether you agree. Support your teenager and explain to them the hazard unprotecting can cause. How they can prevent them. Best advice parents can give their teens about love and relationship is to  “WAIT” or be prepared. This can put your mind at ease. when you “WAIT” love and relationship is so much more fun!