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Abandonment kids parental Everyone Needs Know. children who grow up with an absentee Parent. Chooses to deny physical or emotional support to your  youth may make you feel awesome. While your other relationship grows your teenager suffers.  Simply put, Parent that chooses not to have any contact with his or her child  IS A FOOL! “Not belonging is a terrible feeling. It feels awkward and it hurts, as if you were wearing someone else’s shoes.” ― Phoebe Stone



For many kids suffering from  absentee Father issues.  The damage extends beyond poverty.  Beyond lack of support. It leave adolescents feeling worthless, angry and many struggle with depression. Their physical needs aren’t met. Left to juggle life on the streets too many balls at a time.  These teens develop distrust towards adults.


Parental Abandonment

Sometimes parents are present in there kids’ lives, but they aren’t emotional  available. Neglect leads  children to believe they are not worthy.  Distances  oftentimes reenforces these feelings. They are worthless. Whether they were abandoned, this one question is a constant for them.



Nagging , questioning “why” thinking they may not be lovable. The emptiness in their young hearts are deep. Healing the inner child takes time. Only through patience & trust the pain will go away. Kids need to feel safe with adults who care.

Abandonment kids parental Everyone Needs Know 

When a parent walk away it say I don’t care.  Give no choice to the Youngers who did not ask to be here.  Its said I hate you. You are not worthy to receive love. It’s so easy to walk away “dads” don’t you thinks so? Pat yourself on the back. You fool another lady again. While your child need milk your girlfriends riding in her new car. But before you glorified yourself …Real Father walk away from situations but never from their children.