by Patrice M Foster | Nov 12, 2018 | nursing posts |
Your Anger Issues and Outbursts Anger issues, especially those that result in daily outbursts. Should not be dismissed as part of a teenage phase. They can often disrupt the peace of the household. And be a threat to the teen’s future. As such, parents should take...
by Patrice M Foster | Oct 15, 2018 | teenage depression, depression |
Testiness the Unusual Signs A parent’s testiness can be a big problem. It can create tension in the home, especially if the youth is struggling with feelings of sadness. “If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your...
by Patrice M Foster | Sep 21, 2018 | teenage depression, nursing posts, parents |
Sunny happy life-Shine Bright Sunny days are often associated with happiness and feeling good. And for good reason. Just like we cannot control the weather, sometimes bad moods creep up on us. What’s more, just like a sunny day doesn’t mean a cloudless sky,...
by Patrice M Foster | Aug 30, 2018 | depression, nursing posts |
Sad Days Being happy can be hard, especially when fighting clinical depression. Sadness can crash into you when you least expect it, and it can have incredible staying power. It’s natural to be sad, but it is more intense and longer lasting when you’re depressed. Why...
by Patrice M Foster | Aug 22, 2018 | nursing posts, teenage depression |
Student Online growing Student online has a fast-growing problem. It’s a well-known fact that college students nowadays spend a lot of their time with technology. This is the era of Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. Online dating and excessive admiration of oneself...
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