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Testiness the Unusual Signs

A parent’s testiness can be a big problem. It can create tension in the home, especially if the youth is struggling with feelings of sadness. “If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you’re allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.” ― Shannon L. Alder

testiness mood



When we think of depression, we often think of sorrow, but it’s usually a lot more complicated than that. Apart from the more typical signs of depression like insomnia and lack of appetite, some people have what is called irritable depression or testiness, which manifests as anger.

irritable depression testiness

irritable depression [testiness]

After all, the feelings of hopelessness and frustration that are associated with depression can end up causing somebody to become angry at themselves, the world, and even those they love.



You might be wondering how you know you have irritable depression. The best way, of course, is to seek psychiatric help. You may find yourself getting angry (or even downright rageful) quite often and attacking others (either verbally or physically). Or maybe if you’re the kind of person to keep your anger bottled up.

Angry is depression inward

If you experience this alongside the signs of depression such as sadness, loss of energy, then disinterest in things you previously enjoyed, then it is a good idea to follow up on that and seek help. If you begin to fantasize about hurting yourself or a loved one, seek help immediately.


Testiness irritable depressed

Danger of this aggressive form of depression is that it hurts not just you, but those around you. For example, the child of someone who has irritable depression might have made a mistake. The last thing this child needs is to be told how ‘stupid’ they are for doing it. Also, any punishments meted out in this situation are likely to be unfairly severe. The child may end up with feelings of worthlessness or even resentment towards the parent, and the relationship will only deteriorate.


The good news is, there are practical ways to ease this tension in the home by dealing with the root of the problem. Breathing exercises, of example, can help calm you down. After all, you’re distracting yourself from the feelings, and allowing your mind time to clear. Going for a walk can be a good way to deal with bouts of rage, too, especially if you live in an environment where nature is all around you.

News worthy

It might also be a good idea to find somebody to talk to. Venting to a trusted loved one can help you to safely let off steam before you do something you will regret. Also, as hard as it might be if your schedule is busy, find time to do things you enjoy, even if you might not feel the drive to do it. Spend time focusing on yourself; do some daily exercise, watch a bit of TV, read a book, go out with friends. This will help you be better able to deal with the feelings of anger when they bubble up.

All these things, along with help from your doctor or psychiatric professional, can help you regain the control you never thought you would.