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Self Change

Self-image is shaky ground for most teenagers. The idea that one is not good enough the way you are is just about drilled into their subconsciously every single day. Advertising for teenagers play on the need for change and improvement, movies and music videos relentlessly promote the “perfect” image. The way friends talk about each other and to each other, further adds to the pressure improving self-image. “I wish you could see what I see when I look at you.” Allison Pang, A Brush of Darkness

How to change your self-image be more confidence


How to change Self Image

So what can you do as a parent? You spend many days feeling just plain helpless and utterly useless. Your teen may be the kind who doesn’t take kindly to help or, if you’re lucky, the kind who still relies heavily on your say. Either way, you want to let your teen know that he, or she, is already amazing.

How to change your self-image with confidence

Don’t force your view on your teenager

A teenager will  rebel against causes that feels like control. Talk don’t judge your teenager, let your daily actions add to your teen’s confidence.

Self-image change be more confident
  • Healthy self-image Encourage

Continue loving your child. Encourage a healthy confidence in your child by allowing him to become self-sufficient. The more self-belief your child has in his own capabilities, the less likely he is to need the approval of others. Remind him that what you, as parents, think of him, is way more important than what others will think of him. He might not admit it, but your (silent and unwavering) support makes him feel stronger.

Low self-esteem
  • Remind  to defend himself, against himself

Yes, exactly that. The mind is a strange and vast expanse. It takes someone to say something nasty about your teenager, and that will likely replay in his mind over and over. He is essentially attacking himself based on what he thinks someone wants him to look or act like. This can cause low self-esteem without a doubt. He has to learn how to change the way he thinks of himself first.

How to change your Self-Image be more confident

  • Show that everyone else is just as insecure

We’re all insecure in some way or another. Your teenager, however, might not know this. Help him to recognize that even the wealthiest, most attractive people have image issues, and that they are usually on the person’s life and circumstances.


  • Negative people Curb your tongue

The way you speak about others when they are not around can add to his low-self esteem. Try building people up, giving compliments, and not breaking them down, and make sure that your teenager gets involved. Sharing a smile and giving a heartfelt kind word to someone does wonders for the personal “feel-good” factor. “I believe that words are strong, that they can overwhelm what we fear when fear seems more awful than life is good.”
Andrew Solomon, The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression

  •  Change perceptions

Encourage your teen to look at something from every angle before making up his mind about it. This will at the very least open his mind to alternative ways of reacting to a situation and dealing with change. It will also help him build a positive outlook on life that is independent of outside motivations. Listen and urge your child to verbalize their feeling.“The first rule of my speaking is: listen!” ― Larry King.  Find ways of creatively helping your teen to look for his strength inwardly and not  focus on low self-esteem.  It really only matters what he thinks of himself.