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Survival Guide Parent’s

Christmas Teenagers you know them they in the corner with a deep stare. The attitude queen.The very thought of christmas with teens. Instill fear in the heart of any self-respecting parent. It’s difficult enough to find them the right gifts, and even more of a problem. Wondering how to coerce them into leaving their rooms to spend time with the rest of the family. Teens are at a stage of development where they are totally focused on themselves. But there are some clever strategies you can use to make your  Day with teenagers a merry one!

Christmas Teenagers

Christmas Teenagers Survival Guide Parents

Give them a choice

Adolescents are in the process of developing a sense of individuality. So they have a strong need to make their own decisions. This is why they don’t want to comply with adult requests. They want to have control over their own choices. The best way to handle this is to allow them to choose from a range of options that you offer them. This works because you are empowering them to choose, resulting in them becoming more involved in their chosen task.

Christmas Teenagers

Want to be happy survival tip with Christmas Teenagers

Don’t force teens to join in – you won’t win! If, such as, your teen doesn’t want to go with the family to choose a tree, don’t argue with them, just leave them at home.

Give them responsibility

You will enjoy a far more relaxed Christmas with teenagers.  If you allow them to take over some of the responsibilities. Flatter them into new roles:

  • ask them to take a younger sibling to see Santa
  • pay them to make hors d’oevres and wait on guests at your holiday gatherings
  • ask them for their choice of Christmas music downloaded on to an iPod
  •  Invite their friends and help decorate the house or the tree; give munchies and treats, and they’ll have a great time!
Keep them active and involved Christmas teenagers

“Keep them active and involved”

Teenage boys especially will engage more if they’re active. This doesn’t necessarily mean running around outside.  But even walking around or being involved in activities using their hands will result in an increased level of participation.

Here are a few suggestions your teenagers might enjoy:

  • decorate their own room
  • Christmas baking
  • put family’s names in glitter on Santa hats
  • go shopping to the grocery store for food to give to the local food bank
  • volunteer at a homeless shelter to help serve food
  • arrange a wackiest Secret Santa gift exchange: everyone brings a gift,  at a cost of twenty-five dollars for one other person. After the gifts are distributed, your teen gets to judge which gift is the wackiest and award a prize.

It can be easy to think of the teenage years as a period of endurance and confrontation.  Which will undoubtedly create a tense atmosphere. Talk to your teens ask them how they’re doing.  And be interested in their opinions. Christmas with teenagers doesn’t have to be a battleground!