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Time For

Combatting depression and anxiety we have come a long way.Depression is better understood now than ever before, both by medical professionals and laypeople alike. There is still work to do, though. And we should continue to bring awareness to others. Be that as it may depression still remains the invisible illness that no one wants to talk about.

Combatting Depression


Combatting Depression

Nonetheless, here are some ways we can fight against mental illness among our young people.

#1. Education
There are still too many people (both sufferers and those around them) who don’t understand how depression works. With the best of intentions, family and friends often make things more difficult for youth who deal with depression. They might say, for example, “That’s nothing to get so worked up over,” which may just end up making the young person feel guilty these feelings. Depression is a complicated condition, and the more we understand it, the better we can deal with it.

Combatting Depression

Combatting depression

#2. Getting Involved
In other words reaching out by helping someone who has depression doesn’t have to be stressful. As a family or even as a community. We can lend support to those who need it. Simple things like helping with homework and providing a listening ear. Or accompanying someone on a walk when they’re feeling down.Can be great ways to help the teen to deal with depression. Counselors along with teachers can be a good resource for the parents as well as the teenager. Teens and young adults often feel more comfortable talking to people their own age, and they can help to identify when something is wrong. But it’s important that you don’t overlook seeking help if things are really bad.

Combatting Depression & Anxiety

#3 Live Healthy
On the positive side a healthy body and environment, promote a healthy mind. If we gently encourage youth towards healthy lifestyle long term habits and hobbies. We are guiding them towards ways that help them deal with depressive episodes. As a result, without even knowing it, Your child will develop the tools and coping skills. To deal with negative thoughts and emotions. Before they even come up.  On the negative side, an unhealthy body is more likely to suffer with stress and anxieties. Which can lead to depression and other mental health issues. 

Struggling with depression & Anxiety

#4. Therapy
Combatting depression, mental health professionals is trained not only to identify early signs of despair. But they are trained to manage and treat patients. Therefore, if you feeling overwhelmed or struggling to cope. Know that it is absolutely no shame in anyone getting therapy. Immediately reach out. In fact, even people with no mental health issues could benefit from a psychotherapy session every now and then. A board trained and certified therapist will be more than capable to treat and direct you and your child further.

#5. Medication 
Important to realize your therapist may consider it beneficial to suggest medication such as antidepressants. These help you to regain control or your thoughts and feelings. However, should only be a last resort if you need it. In Therapy you will learn effective methods to deal with the negative thoughts and feelings. Once balance has been restored. Getting off antidepressants and you continue practicing coping skills, along with regular visits the doctor. The psychologist may suggest a decrease in your medication. 
Combatting depression is everybody’s business. As individuals and as a community, we can improve the collective mental health of our youth.