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Disregarding Depression is one of those health conditions that can be very easy to ignore. Unlike others that have very clear physical symptoms, depression and other mental health issues manifests in ways that are more behavioral. This means that both the sufferer and those around them might just pass it off as nothing. That is dangerous, though, especially for our children.

parents disregarding depression

Disregarding depression

As a matter of fact, major depressive disorder is not just feelings of sadness or even intense occasional sadness. It’s a mood disorder that not only causes persistent sadness, but also disinterest in normally enjoyable things and makes everyday activities (like chores or even self-care) harder to do.

disregarding depression

 Untreated depression what

On the other hand, when you have a child struggling with depression, it might be hard to accept that they are going through a hard time. We want them to be happy and healthy, and—even worse—our pride might not allow us to accept that this is happening to them. However, if left untreated, depression can get worse and worse because the sufferer doesn’t have the tools to deal with it. Meaning they continue to suffer, often in silence, for a long, long time. 

Disregarding depression

For the adult in a child’s life, it’s important to understand to set aside any thoughts that you “allowed” this to happen to your child. These fears don’t do anything except make you feel bad and might even be a barrier to you accepting the reality. Depression is a complicated mental illness with so many factors that it’s hard to really pin down what causes it in a single person. What is important is to deal with it, not disregard it.

ignore depression

signs and symptoms of depression

There are a few things to look out for in identifying suspected depression. A child with depression might have significant changes in sleep and/or diet. Depression can make it hard to focus, so their grades might slip, too. They might avoid things they usually do for fun or spend a lot of time doing those things to drown out what they’re feeling.

You might also notice frequent or extended periods of sadness or low mood, Important to realize depression doubles with neglected and  some kids hide these signs very well, even behind bouts of anger. Yes, you no doubt picked up that depression symptoms are varied.

That’s why it’s important to seek professional help if you suspect your child has depression. The Psychiatrist and therapist can pinpoint the signs that you may miss and help you and your child to figure out the best way of dealing with it before it’s too late. Like many other illnesses, the earlier it’s caught, the better the outcome.

That said, there is hope for your child with depression! They still have a chance for a happy, fulfilling life. Plus, with the knowledge of what to look out for and do, you can be part of that.

For more help, check out my book The Real Guide to Teenage Depression. My experience as a registered nurse in the field can empower you and your child to live healthily and happily even with depression. In the long run and most importantly, though, don’t give up hope! Continue to follow the treatment plan and participate in activities that you and your child enjoy.

 Most important parents let your adolescence know that you are there and open to listen. It as been noted early treatment, medicine and therapy can be effective balance. Under those circumstances Many young people go on to live active adult life with your help and prompt action your child can too.