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Kindness, Gratitude not just Holidays

Do you know Kindness is not just for Holiday. Being thankful seems to be very popular among others. Showing lots of Gratitude at this time. You should not limit yourself to these occasions to be kind to others.  Acknowledgment for the blessings that you have received everyday of the year. Whether summer, spring, winter or fall, is a great time to have these emotions within. ” If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough” Meister Eckhart.

Kindness, Gratitude not just Holidays Kindness and Gratitude not just Holidays

When you have appreciation for the things that you already have.  You should be thankful and be comfortable if you receive nothing else. Understand that not all things are meant for every person in this world. I am not saying you should give all you have to everyone. Often it’s the little things matter. If you buy lunch for a coworker who maybe struggling act of kindness. She may not be able to pay you back right away. Someone else indirectly bless you.


When you are kind to others you are also making an impact in your own life.  Those who are kind to others are more caring individuals who appreciate life and all that it has to offer. There is less work involved with being kind to others, and you will be far more happy.  Those who are kind can also expect the same in return. If you are kind to others, they will be kind to you in return.

Kindness, Gratitude not just Holidays

No matter what time of the year, ensuring that you are grateful and kind are two qualities that will take you so much further in life. Make sure that you live each day of your life with this form of happiness and you can be sure that your life is worthwhile and enjoyable. It is so much easier to live with kindness and gratitude in your heart than it is to live with the opposite inside of you.