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Mood disturbance can be caused by a variety of different emotional circumstances, such as an imbalance which most likely could be caused by stressors in the child life. Mood disorders nowadays are common. In the United States alone, it is estimated that between 14. 1 million teenagers suffer from depressive disorders in the United States alone.

mood disturbance

mood disturbance

As a matter of fact, mood disorders and symptoms of emotional sadness would be described as feelings of immense sadness, loss of joy and pleasure in daily activities. Depression has been called the “common cold of mental illness,” not indicating that the sign of despair with feelings of worthlessness are generally seen in young people.

mood disturbance

Is anxiety a mood disorder, is the depression most intense with anxiety. Similarities as well as manic-depressive  are one of many types of disorders associated with the symptoms. That affects many individuals. Consequently and more recent these disorders have been given more public light.

mood disorder

Mood Disturbance

Furthermore, often times during the depressive the teen are plagued with feelings of worthlessness and self doubts and thoughts of suicide. While during the phase the parents may mistake or overlooked as normal.  Often times, mood disorder symptoms, isolation, loss of interest in friend and activities, poor concentration and irritable at times.

mood disturbance disorder

Everyone knows a “case of the blues” from time to time, but generally, it only lasts a relatively short time. However, persistent sadness could lead to clinical depression. Which is certainly far more serious than your child going through a “case of the blues ” By the same token, while it is not fully understood as to all the causes of clinical depression. Most importantly, there are many biological and emotional factors.

mood disturbance disorder

Mood Disturbance

Teens struggling with mood disorders, anxiety and depression often do not realize the seriousness of their condition. In similar fashion parent may not catch it on time. Oftentimes, having a sympathetic friend that will lend a listening ear can bring great relief.

Without doubt an wholehearted support is vital when a loved one is suffering from this disorder. It is often helpful to talk to a primary care doctor or counselor, parents if you’re feeling your teenager behavior out of the norm. Also, don’t delay, get familiar with signs and symptoms of mental illness This will allow you to be able to better cope and deal with the severity.

Treating mood disturbances living with depression may be difficult for your youth. On the other hand It is hard to see your kids going through periods of strange moods switching from happy go lucky to sad. You may feel helpless. For this purpose psychiatrist may recommend mood disorder treatment.Yes a short stay in a facility if your child is having difficulty. And the therapist feel need to be monitored for their safety. 

For this purpose psychiatrist may recommend mood disorder treatment. In conclusion, if your child is struggling with these disorders: disruptive behavior, drug induce, grumpiness, newly diagnose, and dramatic outburst that you cannot control. To conclude any signs you just don’t understand call the hotline talk to anyone. call 1-800-273-TALK  But if need immediate assistance use 911.