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Parents Are you aware of cutting and Depression

Self harm in teens starts out  to relief emotional pressures Parents Are you aware of cutting & Depression warning signs. If left untreated may continue into adulthood. Every parent needs to be aware of the signs. This can help  overcome their thoughts and actions.  Teen  new “Secret” trend “cutting” hurting oneself  is complexes. “I can feel the hurt. There’s something good about it mostly it makes me stop remembering.” ― Albert Borris. Its quick relieve from  inner pain. Most times A  story told by many adolescent.Parents Are you aware of cutting and Depression

Parents Are you aware of cutting and Depression

You should realize that there are often other types of conditions underlying. Depression may not be the only thing bothering your child. Many times, anxiety is present as well. Read what licensed psychologists to say Dr. Sarah Ravin tips

Parents Are you aware of cutting and Depression

One of the most important things that you  need to watch out for is selfharm and suicide. Teens that are going through a rough time. Or those who feel like they have been ostracized are more likely to feel like they are worthless. And they may resort to injuring themselves by cutting wrist and other parts of their body. Temporary solution to  relieve their inner struggles with sadness.

Parents Are you aware of cutting and Depression

If you learn that your child is trying to or is harming themselves. You want to put an end to the behavior quickly. As one mistake could lead to a life threatening condition. Self-harm is not just attention-seeking: it’s time to talk openly … There are a huge number of reasons why teens choose to cut. The more we discuss  and the reasons  the better, say experts in the run-up to Self-Harm Awareness Day.

Parents Are you aware of cutting 

Suicide is a serious thing and any talk or threat of suicide needs to be taken seriously. Whether or not your child was serious. You should seek immediate care for your teen if talks  come up. Kids feel they have no better way to deal with their problems. Often  only see an easy way out as ending their life. Don’t let this happen  protect them today. If you believe that your teen is suffering. Trying to cope with depression alone won’t help. A counselor  and therapist will be there for your child. Parents knowing what to look for is crucial  actions to help them overcome their depression.