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 Pursuit Happiness

Pursuing Happiness takes time. Depression is a serious health problem that affects an alarming number of people every year. Even though depression can be managed with a combination of medication, therapy and support from friends and professionals, many people diagnosed with it find it hard to find the joy in their everyday lives.“The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open.” ― Chuck Palahniuk   Are you often finding it difficult to accept changes? Having troubles moving forward with your life? Here are ways.

Pursuit happiness take time to feel human

Pursuing Happiness take time to feel human again


Pursuit Happiness take time to feel human

Thinking too deep, however, is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Instead, stop for a while and try to appreciate where you are now is essential. This helps you to not only feel happier and  fight the depressive episode.  It can also increase the quality of your life. Accept where you are now and how much it took you to get there. Understand what you have and learn to value it, but most importantly, remember that every end is a new beginning.

Pursuit Happiness take time to feel human

[bctt tweet=”Stop for a while and try to appreciate where you are now”]

Fighting depression is an everyday battle. Finding the joy in your life is your main weapon against the disease. Try to banish the destructive thoughts that stop you from pursuing your goals. The more active and social you are, the easier it would be to move on and learn to enjoy the simple things in life and eventually peace of mind.

Pursuing Happiness take time to feel human again 

Try not to isolate yourself instead, search actively for the company of your friends and family. Watch a Television show, read a book. Engage in a hobby you once enjoyed even if you don’t feel like it initially. This will help you feel more in control of your life and re-ignite your spark.

Pursuing Happiness take time to feel human again

Never punish yourself for feeling bad. Highs and lows are a normal part of every person’s life and, sometimes, feeling blue is inevitable. However, don’t succumb to the depression but instead fight it with laughter, smiles, friends and your belief in yourself. Inner peace is achievable.